Equus – August 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Autumn 2019 EqUUS 498 119

gastrointestinal flora---beneficial one-celled
organisms normally residing in a horse’s gut
and playing an important role in digestion.
guttural pouches---two sacs connected to the
eustachian tubes between the horse’s ears and
throat; thought to assist in cooling the brain
during strenuous exercise.
hemoglobin (Hb)---oxygen-carrying pigment of
red blood cells.
hindgut---the portion of the digestive system
that includes the cecum, large colon, small
colon and rectum.
hyaluronic acid (HA)---molecule that forms
the basis of the lubricating fluid within
joints as well as connective tissues through-
out the body.
joint capsule---saclike membrane that encloses
a joint space and secretes joint (synovial) fluid.
laminitis---inflammation of the sensitive plates
of soft tissue (laminae) within the horse’s foot
caused by physical or physiologic injury. Severe
cases of laminitis may result in founder, an
internal deformity of the foot. Acute laminitis
sets in rapidly and usually responds to
appropriate, intensive treatment, while chronic
laminitis is a persistent, long-term condition
that may be unresponsive to treatment.
lumbosacral---joint between the last vertebra
of the small of the back and the sacrum, the
fused portion of the spine, forming the upper
limit of the pelvis.
nictitating membrane (haw, third eyelid)
---tissue fold that can be drawn over the eye to
serve as a third, innermost eyelid; present in
most reptiles and birds, and in many mammals,
including the horse.

osteoarthritis---degeneration and in-
flammation of one or more joints due to
excessive wear.
photodynamic---having the property of
producing a toxic or otherwise damaging
reaction when stimulated by light; a horse who
ingests photodynamic chemicals in toxic plants
may experience severe burns in areas where
sunlight penetrates unprotected pink skin.
pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID,
Cushing’s disease)---disease caused when the
cortex of the adrenal gland produces excessive
amounts of hormones, including cortisol; signs
include persistent long hair, thin skin, fragile
bones, stupor, weakness and sweating.
polysulfated glycosaminoglycans (PSGAGs)---
joint-lubricating substances that are chemically
similar to the fluid-producing components
of cartilage. When injected intramuscularly
or directly into a joint, PSGAGs stimulate the
production of synovial fluid.
squamous cell carcinoma---lumpy, irregular
cancer of the superficial cells of the skin near
body openings.
standing bandage---relatively loose, thickly
padded wrapping of the lower leg for protection
and control of swelling.
toxemia---the presence of a toxin, or poisonous
substance, in the bloodstream; usually
produced by bacterial infection.
ultraviolet---beyond the visible spectrum at the
violet end, having a wavelength shorter than
wavelengths of visible light and longer than
those of x-rays.
uveitis---inflammation of the pigmented
structures within the eyeball.


articular---pertaining to a joint.
Banamine---trade name of flunixin meglumine,
a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used
to control inflammation and pain primarily
associated with colic and muscle injuries.
body condition score (BCS)---a designation,
based on a nine-point numeric scale, indicating
the amount of fat on a horse’s body. A BCS is
assigned after a visual and hands-on appraisal.
conjunctiva---membrane lining the inside of
the eyelid and covering the exposed surface
(“white”) of the eyeball around the cornea.
corticosteroids---analogs of the hormone
cortisol produced primarily by the adrenal
glands; they may be natural or synthetically
produced for injection.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)---large organic
molecule that consists of two chains of
nucleotides wound around each other; the
material of which genes are made. Genes
are responsible for the individual inherited
characteristics of living organisms.
equine metabolic syndrome (EMS)---
endocrine disorder characterized by increased
fat deposits in specific locations of the
body or overall obesity; insulin resistance,
which leads to abnormally high levels of the
hormone circulating in the bloodstream; and a
predisposition toward laminitis in the absence
of other recognized causes.

Noble Equestrian ............... http://www.nobleequestrian.com/dealerlocator ....C3
HylaSport Canine (HorseTech)
http://www.pupsup.com .....................................................................................106
Omega Alpha ..................... http://www.omegaalpha.com ................................105
Platinum Performance Canine CJ
http://www.platinumperformance.com .............................................................107
ProudPaws (ADM) .............. http://www.admanimalnutrition.com ....................102
Dressage at Devon ............ http://www.dressageatdevon.org..........................117
Kubota ................................ http://www.kubotausa.com ..................................... 69
Savvy Feeder ...................... http://www.savvyfeeder.com .................................. 91
Sweet PDZ ......................... http://www.sweetpdz.com ......................................18
Calf-Manna (MannaPro) .... http://www.mannapro.com ...................................... 29
ProElite (Cargill) ................. http://www.proelitehorsefeed.com ......................... 41
Purina ................................. http://www.purinamills.com/horse ....................10-11
StayStrong (ADM) .............. http://www.admequine.com .................................... 19
Square Meal Feeds............ http://www.squaremealfeeds.com ........................111
Triple Crown....................... http://www.triplecrownfeed.com ............................13
The Bradford Exchange ..... http://www.bradfordexchange.com/paintedhorse ..65
Showoff Ribbon Racks ...... http://www.merbeth.net ........................................118
Spirithorse Designs ........... http://www.spirithorsedesigns.com .......................... 7
Banixx ................................. http://www.banixx.com ............................................. 9
Cowboy Magic ................... http://www.cowboymagic.com................................ 83
Exhibitor’s Labs .................. http://www.exhibitorlabs.com ................................. 66
Mane ‘n Tail ...................... http://www.manentail.com ...................................... 82
Shapley’s ........................... http://www.shapleys.com .......................................... 6
ShowSheen (W.F. Young) .. http://www.ourbestbottle.com ...........................34,35

Bute-Less (W.F. Young) ..... http://www.absorbine.com/offers ........................... 43
ColiCare (SmartPak) ........... http://www.smartpak.com/colicare ........................ 63
ConfidenceEQ (Bimeda) ..... http://www.confidenceeq.com ................................ 61
Co-Op Market .................... http://www.coopmarket.com .................................114
Emerald Valley Natural Health
http://www.emeraldvalleyequine.com ................................................................15
Equithrive ........................... http://www.equithrive.com ............................8, 67, 95
Foxden ................................ http://www.foxdenequine.com ..............................101
Hallmarq ............................. http://www.hallmarq.net/find-us .............................. 7
HEAVE HO ..................................................................................................... 3
HEIRO ............................................................................................................ 3
InsulinWise (Kentucky Performance Products)
http://www.kppvet.com ........................................................................................53
Kemin ................................. http://www.kemin.com ............................................ 45
Mega-Tek (Eqyss Grooming Products)
http://www.eqyss.com .........................................................................................C2
Osphos (Dechra) ................. http://www.osphos.com .......................................... 55
Platinum Performance ....... http://www.platinumperformance.com ...................C4
Rambo Ionic (Horseware Ireland)
http://www.horsewareireland.com ......................................................................27
Shoofly Leggins ................ http://www.shooflyleggins.com ............................101
SmartPak ............................ http://www.smartpak.com .....................................109
Soft-Ride Ice Spa ............... http://www.softrideboots.com ..............................115
UltraShield (W.F. Young) ... http://www.ourbestbottle.com ...........................16,17
Weight Builder (Farnam) ... http://www.farnam.com ..........................................25
A Home for Every Horse .... http://www.ahomeforeveryhorse.com ........ 74-75, 97
Hope in the Saddle ............ http://www.hopeinthesaddle.com ......................20-21
Horseware Ireland ............. http://www.horseware.com .....................................63
Helios Equine Rehabilitation Center
http://www.hserc.com ..........................................................................................93
Three Runs Plantation ....... http://www.threerunsplantation.com ........................ 5
United Country RE.............. http://www.unitedcountry.com..............................118

Lami-Cell (Partrade) ........... http://www.partrade.com ........................................ 59
Metalab (Partrade) ............. http://www.partrade.com ........................................31
Roxor Mahindra ................. http://www.roxoroffroadat.com................................. 1
US Rider ............................. http://www.usrider.org ............................................99
Dude Ranchers’ Assn ........ http://www.duderanch.org ......................................68

Equus Issue 498 (ISSN 0149-0672/USPS 501-430) Copyright 2019, Cruz Bay Publishing, Inc.
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