Little Angel – September 2019

(Romina) #1
Whatto do:
Step1.Take some thread
andtieit to your ring,
usinga tight knot to secure
it.Startwinding the thread
tightlyaround the ring,
makingsure there are no
gaps.Keep going until
yourringis completely
coveredwith thread.
Secureatthe end with
anotherknot. If you run
outofthread and your ring
isn’tcovered yet, that’s
OK!Takea new piece of
threadand keep going
untilyourring is covered.
Step2.Now we’re ready
tocreatethe web! Take
somemore thread and
tieit toyour ring using
a tightknot. Pull it a few
centimetres across them
wrapit around the ring
andthenback through
theopening, pulling it
niceandtight. Continue
untilyouget back to your
Step3.Repeat the same
processof looping your
thread,working your way
intothecentre of your ring.
Remember to go: over,
under and through the
mid-point of each section,
tightening your thread as
you go.
Step 4. Now it’s time to
create the long hanging
part of your dreamcatcher.






  • A plastic,woodenor metal ring
    (fi nd one at your local craft store)

  • Coloured thread

  • Scissors

  • Ribbons

  • Fabric, cut into long strips

  • Feathers

What you need:

Decide which part of your
ring will be the top and
which will be the bottom.
We want to decorate the
bottom 1/3 of the ring with
strips of fabric, ribbons
and feathers, securing
each with a knot. Attach
feathers to pieces of string
using embroidery thread.
Step 5. Use thread
or string to create a
loop for hanging your
dreamcatcher. Secure it to
the top of your ring.

dream angel

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