Ivy League Enjoy English 常春藤生活英語 – 八月 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Rebecca always __________ cash at the end of
every month.

__________, the explorers found the lost kingdom
hidden underground.

At the wedding, everyone wished the bride and the
bridegroom a ______ of happiness.

You Can Do This

Tips in Use^

a large / huge / small number of^ a large / huge /
small amount of ፒኵӪຠ

ϚџኵӪຠ (^) of
a large / huge / small amount
of +^ ൐ኵଢ଼ຠ^ a large /
huge / small number of + ፒኵଢ଼

That company spent a large amount of money
training the new employees.
A small amount of sunshine is good for your
Only a small number of students are against
the new school rules.
Extra Words^
Ź cheese [ tSiz ] n.
Ź sniff [ snIf ] vi. & vt.
Ź scurry [ skRI ] vi. Ź maze [ mez ] n. Ź hem and haw^ (^) Words & Phrases (^) 1. accept [ JksEpt ] vt.
I can t accept your explanation of the situation.

  • explanation [ :EksplJ`neSJn ] n.
    (^) 2. search for...
    search [ sRtS ] vi.
    The police searched for the missing girl in this

  1. lifetime [ `lZIf:tZIm ] n.

Rachel hopes to succeed in doing many things
in her lifetime.

  1. comfortable [ `kVmfKtJbL ] a.

Without this new technology, we would not live
such comfortable lives.

(^) 5. show off (sth)
Ricky likes to show off his wealth whenever

  1. run out (of...)

My scooter ran out of gas on the way to work.

  1. yell [ yEl ] vt. & vi.

Billy yelled at his naughty children.

(^) 8. in the end
= finally
I guess all your hard work paid off in the end.
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