Ivy League Enjoy English 常春藤生活英語 – 八月 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Words & Phrases^

  1. as far as sth goes^

As far as her trip to Paris goes, Ashley
canceled it at the last minute.

  1. stuff [ stVf ] n.
    Andrew was mad because his girlfriend s stuff
    was all over the floor.

  2. lead to...

Constant fighting led to the couple s breakup.

(^) 4. accident [ `AksJdJnt ] n.
The old man sadly passed away in an accident.

  1. spill [ spil ] vt. & vi.

Henry tripped and spilled the wine on the

  1. warn [ wOrn ] vt.

I tried to warn you, but you just refused to

  1. file a complaint^

complaint [ kJm`plent ] n.
Would you like to file a complaint about any
inconvenience caused?

What should have been a fun activity ended up
with many complaints from the class.

  1. management [ `mAnIdjmJnt ] n.

The management has agreed to the policy.

Tips in Use^

convenient^ in^
in / im impossible

(^) possible (^) incorrect (^) correct
You Can Do This^
I tried to warn Pete of the dangers of the task,
Being too curious about the affairs of others
The point is that
A. can lead to trouble.
B. we are lucky to be alive after the accident.
C. but he just wouldn t listen.
D. so you may catch the flight in time.
Extra Words^
Ź (^) sling [ slIG ] n.
Ź caution [ `kOSJn ] n.
It^ s really inconvenient for Andy to go to school
because he lives too far away.
To Mandy, it is impossibleWR¿QLVKWKLVKXJHFDNH
all by herself.
Phil was not able to log into his Facebook account
because the password he entered was incorrect.
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