Ivy League Enjoy English 常春藤生活英語 – 八月 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Extra Words

Ź couch [ kZUtS ] n.
Ź a smart / wise move n.
Ź activity [ Ak`tIvJtI ] n.

The white tiger has completely ____________ in
this part of the world.

A ____________ includes a wide variety of fruits and

If you do something that hurts others, you could
____________ for the rest of your life.

You Can Do This

Tips in Use

(^) calorie
(^) burn off calories
count calories
The number of calories in this ice cream is very
All kinds of core exercises are excellent ways
to EXUQRႇ extra calories.
A diet where you count calories will get you into
better shape sooner.
Words & Phrases^
(^) 1. feel guilty (for / about...) (^)
guilty [ `gIltI ] a.
I told a white lie, and now I feel guilty.

  1. relaxing [ rI`lAksIG ] a.

relax [ rI`lAks ] vi. & vt.

It^ s relaxing to take a shower after a day^ s

Relaxing in a hot spring after hiking all day is

  1. die out

This species of bird has almost died out.

That old custom died out decades ago.

  1. survival [ sK`vZIvL ] n.
    Many poor children in Africa are struggling for

  2. use sth up / use up sth

= run out of sth

We^ ve nearly used up all the gas. How far
away is the nearest gas station?

(^) 6. repair [ rI`pEr ] vt.
Kevin had his car repaired yesterday.

  1. benefit [ `bEnJfIt ] n.

One benefit of studying abroad is learning how
to be independent.

(^) 8. balanced [ `bAlJnst ] a.
a balanced diet^
It s important for us to have a balanced diet.
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