Ivy League Enjoy English 常春藤生活英語 – 八月 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Children under five can ride the bus ____________.

The city has an ______ mix of old and new

______ his family ____________, Paul started
working fewer hours each week.

You Can Do This^

Tips in Use^

add color to...

Reading and traveling can add a lot of color to
your life.


because she was well-prepared.

Words & Phrases^

  1. give thought to...

The manager promised that he would give
some thought to my proposal.

  1. attractive [ J`trAktIv ] a.

The actor has become more attractive as he
has gotten older.

  1. crowd [ krZUd ] n.

The excited crowd waited for the arrival of
the singer.

  1. with...in mind

With jogging in mind, Jamie ate a very light
and early dinner.

(^) 5. basically [ `besIkLI] adv.
Our teacher is strict, but basically he^ s pretty
(^) 6. for free
Many people love downloading movies from
the internet for free.

  1. a regular customer n.

That restaurant has a large number of regular

(^) 8. service [ sRvIs ] n. The restaurant provides fine food, but their service is not so good. (^) Extra Words Ź (^) color scheme [ skim ] n. Ź countertop [kZUntK"tap ] n.
Ź splash [ splAS ] n.
Ź tableware [ tebL:wEr ] n. Ź redesign [ :ridIzZIn ] n.
Ź promotion [ prJmoSJn ] n. Ź pricing [prZIzIG ] n.
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