Ivy League Enjoy English 常春藤生活英語 – 八月 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Extra Words

Ź doppelgänger [ `dapL:gAGK ] n.^

Ź myth [ mIH ] n.

Ź (^) legend [ lEdjJnd ] n. Ź folklore [fok"lOr ] n.
Ź mythology [ mIHalJdjI ] n. Ź version [vRjJn ] n.
These two patients share _ conditions.
The __ of that superstar surprised
everyone on the street.
That singer got a bad name for always _

other people s works.
You Can Do This
Tips in Use^
(^) sign
Crying is considered by some people to be a
sign of weakness.
In some cultures, seeing a black cat is a sign of
bad luck.
Tracy always laughs at those who believe in star
Words & Phrases^
(^) 1. double [ `dVbL ] n.
Jason looks like Tom Cruise s double. People
on the street often ask him for a snap.

  • snap [ snAp ] n.

  1. be supposed to V
    Ian was supposed to come to the party
    yesterday, but he never showed up.

  2. exact [ Ig`zAkt ] a.
    These two vases share the exact pattern of

  3. borrow A from B^ B^ A
    Ned borrowed his ideas from some of the most
    well-known movies in pop culture.

(^) 5. appearance [ JpIrJns ] n. The sudden appearance of that mean dog really scared Wendy. (^) 6. copy [kapI ] n. &
Can you send me a copy of that letter, please?
The little girl likes to copy the way her mother
(^) 7. similar [ `sImJlK ] a.
Parents from all walks of life have similar
problems when it comes to raising children.

  1. creature [ `kritSK ] n.
    No one in the town knew where this ugly
    creature came from.

[ nOrs ]
a. & n.

[ `fInIS ]
a. & n.^

[ `brEtJn ]
a. & n.

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