Ivy League Enjoy English 常春藤生活英語 – 八月 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Extra Words^

Ź iceberg [ `ZIs:bRg ] n.
Ź liter [ `litK ] n.

The businessman made his fortune in ______

I was still ______ about what had happened after
Rick^ s explanation.

Giving up smoking can reduce the ______ of lung

You Can Do This

Tips in Use^

go to waste

(^) be a waste of
time / money / effort /...
Kyle always eats everything on his plate
because he was taught not to let food go to
Watching that movie was really a waste of our
Words & Phrases

  1. source [ sOrs ] n.

Oranges are a very good source of vitamin C.

(^) C
(^) 2. freeze [ friz ] vi. & vt. (^)
freeze, froze [ froz ], frozen [ `frozN ]
This lake usually freezes in the winter.
(^) 3. melt [ mElt ] vi.
We should put the ice cream cake in the
freezer, or it will melt.

  • freezer [ `frizK ] n.

  1. hunter [ `hVntK ] n.

The mother bear saved her cub from the

  1. ship [ SIp ] vt.

The furniture in this shop is quite expensive
because it was shipped from Japan.

  1. overseas [ :ovK`siz ] a.

The university accepts a large number of
overseas students each year.

  1. confused [ kJn`fyuzd ] a.

The parents are confused about their son^ s
recent behavior.

  1. take a risk

risk [ rIsk ] n.
Albert took a risk by selling his business.

Skydiving is a sport that involves great risk.

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