Ivy League Enjoy English 常春藤生活英語 – 八月 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
You can pick a variety of (weapons / weekends /
weaknesses) in this video game.
It is not very kind to spread (receipts / ranges /
rumors) about other people.
Eddy is doing everything he can to (lock up / stay
up / get ahead) in the world.

You Can Do This

Words & Phrases

  1. gossip [ `gasIp ] n.
    There s a lot of gossip about Robert dating
    Fiona from accounting.

accounting [ J`kZUntIG ] n.

  1. casual [ `kAjUJl ] a.
    This is not a casual occasion, so shorts are not

  2. get ahead
    That woman played on other people s
    sympathies to get ahead.

sympathy [ `sImpJHI ] n.

(^) 4. weapon [ wEpJn ] n. This pocket knife can be a deadly weapon if used properly. (^) * properly [prapKlI ] adv.

  1. bring sb to justice^
    The court finally brought that killer to justice.

  2. run for office
    It is said that the pop singer will run for office
    next year.

(^) 7. rumor [ rumK ] n. The ring on the movie star^ s finger confirms the rumor that she is engaged. (^) * engaged [ Ingedjd ] a.

  1. threatened [ HrEtNd ] a. threaten [HrEtN ] vt.
    Generally speaking, snakes do not attack
    humans unless they feel threatened.

Michelle handed her money over when the
mugger threatened her with a knife.

(^) mugger [ mVgK ] n. Extra Words Ź small-minded [ "smOlmZIndId ] a.
Ź opponent [ JponJnt ] n. Ź well-placed [ "wElplest ] a.

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