Engineering Magazine – June 2019

(Sean Pound) #1


The Fourth Dimension

Adopting the latest technologies across a manufacturing operation has
the potential to deliver many different benefits says David Robinson


mart Manufacturing is about
combining the physical world,
of products and manufacturing
machines, with the digital world of rapid
communication, advanced data analytics
and artificial intelligence. It has the
potential to do all sorts of good things
for manufacturers, like improving the
accuracy of their demand forecasts, the
flexibility of their production systems
and the reliability of their assets.
A host of technologies such as
sensors and automation systems,
industrial networks and data analysis
tools have been evolving quietly for
decades. All of those are real things
that many companies already rely
on to run their businesses. So what’s
changed? Here are five ways that the
latest technologies stand out from their
predecessors and the legacy systems in
use across industry today:
Open -Today’s systems are built on
open standards for communication, data
storage and user interaction, making
them faster and cheaper to develop,
implement and maintain. It reduces
the risk that companies are caught out
by technologies that can’t talk to each
other, or which become obsolete. And
makes it far easier to scale solutions

rapidly as new approaches are proved,
or as business needs change.
Integrated -Those open standards
also make it possible to connect multiple
machines, data sources or applications
in a seamless way. Capula’s OPUS
building performance management
solution, for example, provides a single
management interface for energy
management systems, security and
access controls, HVAC systems and
even production equipment. It can
connect multiple facilities together to
give organisations total control over
their buildings worldwide. And it shares
data with external business applications,
from financial management systems to
HR tools.
Accessible -Internet technologies
are transforming the usability of even
the most powerful automation systems.

Users can access the data and control
functions they need from anywhere,
using a wide range of devices – from
dedicated HMI panels to smart phones.
That boosts productivity, increases
management flexibility and simplifies
maintenance, technical support and
Adaptable -Open standards,
again, coupled with today’s advanced
development environments, make it
far easier to extend and adapt existing
solutions. New equipment can be
added, new applications developed
or new data sources integrated in a
modular way.
Secure -Today’s solutions are
built for the rigours of real industrial
environments. Robust encryption and
security technologies make it easy to
ensure the right people have access to

David Robinson
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