Engineering Magazine – June 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

Unlocking the Value of


As the manufacturing climate races to explore the value of the Industrial
Internet of Things (IIoT), reliable data collection is increasingly important
says John Fryer

Performance monitoring is essential
to keeping industrial automation
environments running efficiently and
maintaining a business’s competitive
edge. To address this need,
manufacturing operations rely on

modern Supervisory Control and
Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Human
Machine Interface (HMI) systems for
a variety of functions that are critical
to increasing efficiency. No longer are
SCADA and HMI confined to control
room applications, or specific machines
on a plant floor, but they are increasingly
deployed in edge applications in
a whole variety of production
environments. These new applications
enable plant personnel to quickly and
accurately make decisions regarding
product quality, production rates, and
even head off safety and regulatory and
compliance issues before they become
serious events. In other words, modern
SCADA and HMI systems are essential
tools that go way beyond traditional

control loop applications. The data
they collect, process and display is
increasingly an important element for
historians and emerging analytics and
IIoT applications.
For this reason, when key SCADA
and HMI systems fail, it can significantly
impact a manufacturer’s bottom line. In
fact, the failure of SCADA and HMI can
functionally stop plant data collection,
stranding teams without predictive
maintenance data, knowledge of asset
performance, and the ability to detect
data abnormalities that signal alarming
situations like equipment failure.
Essentially, when SCADA and HMI
servers fail, manufacturers fly blind.
They also open themselves to additional
risk of failing compliance audits through


John Fryer
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