36 FineScale Modeler October 2019
and one that I couldn’t pass up.
The parts suffered from sink and ejector-
pin marks, and many had their part num-
bers prominently molded on. On the plus
side, the instructions called out the parts by
their actual names and were easy to under-
stand. Between the clear instructions, the
kit’s large scale, and the accurate though
poorly produced parts, I couldn’t resist the
challenge to build and detail it.
I finished basic assembly on the trailer,
which included about 60 parts and made
a frame about 16 inches long. The launch
platform (left) had a lot of sink marks
and flash, 1.
The first scratchbuilt items were new
rear levelers made from .187-inch and .25-
Detailing a Cold War-era nuclear missile and launcher
Keeping the peace
ATO first deployed the MGM-
31 Pershing intermediate range
ballistic missile to Europe in
1960 as part of its nuclear force.
Both the missile and launcher underwent
upgrades 1969 and ’70: the former to the
1a, and the latter to the M757A1.
Martin Marietta Corp. manufactured
the Pershing, and its prototype and tooling
department made a 1/32 scale plastic model
kit of the missile and its launcher. The
model, once assembled, was meant to be
posable, allowing the builder to show the
missile stowed or ready for launch. Marked
EPL-1 and dated for 1973, it’s a rare find,
inch styrene tube and Milliput to form
the top, 2.
To enhance the realism, I fashioned pis-
tons for the levelers from aluminum rod.
After filling ejector-pin marks on the level-
ing pads, I mounted them to the pistons
and then installed them on the trailer. I
filled the ejector-pin marks on the decks
and restored the grate detail with 26AWG
stainless-steel wire, 3.
After cleaning up the booms, I assem-
bled the lower split ring. The front guide-
posts were added, clevis for the erector
cylinders and then the booms. The booms
The box says it contains an “authentic working
model,” which it does, to a degree.
While the kit parts may have accurate shapes,
they suffered from poor production quality.
Before beginning to detail the model, I
assembled the basic chassis for the launch
Rather than try to fix the problems with the
rear hydraulic levelers from the kit, it was
easier to make new ones.