66 FineScale Modeler October 2019
he hairspray technique: The process of sandwich-
ing the styling product in between layers of paint,
allowing the top color to be scrubbed off easily,
creates a weathered, rusty look — be it on a
model or, in this case, a galvanized steel bucket.
Aaron Kuck from Hilliard, Ohio, built Meng’s
World War Toons Panther, which he converted to a
Bergepanther recovery vehicle using Evergreen
styrene sheet. For the three-color
camo scheme, he airbrushed
Mission Models paints. Oils and
pigments weathered it.
For a fitting and unique
base, he built groundwork in
a small pail. Not wanting a
dusty tank on top of a shiny
stand, he turned to hair-
spray to help him rust the
steel. Static grass and a
dirt road gave the model
a sense of place.
Aaron says that he
enjoys building Toon
tanks because their
compact size makes
them perfect for
practicing new
techniques. FSM
By Elizabeth Nash
Practice makes perfect, even on tiny subjects
It’s in the bag, er, pail!
Toon tanks are a great
way to work on your
modeling skills. Just ask
Aaron, who practiced the
hairspray technique while
weathering this compact