Section:GDN 12 PaGe:9 Edition Date:190821 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 20/8/2019 17:23 cYanmaGentaYellowbla
- The Guardian
Wednesday 21 August 2019 9
the platforms are focusing their
algorithms and cash as the
attention wars escalate. Netfl ix is
likely to lose Friends and the US
version of The Offi c e – a combined
400-plus episodes of non-event
T V – as WarnerMedia and NBC,
their owners, launch their own
streaming platforms at some point
in the next couple of years. Apple is
due to launch a streaming service
in the autumn, and has lobbed
a r eported $6bn at new programmes
( including a drama starring Reese
Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston
as warring TV hosts). But , although
audiences come for the shiny new
stuff , they stay for the old reliables
such as Seinfeld, over which there is
a bidding war. Disney+ is launching
in the autumn – and because Disney
owns the Pixar, Star Wars and Marvel
franchises, that is a lot of “tonnage”.
B all reckons
Netfl ix would have achieved similar
levels of success with or without
Friend s – but he stresses that Netfl ix
is popular for precisely the same
reasons that Friends is popular. It’s
just easy to watch. “Netfl ix’s delivery
innovations have made it so easy
to discover and watch content that
whole generations, who would never
have watched Friends or Golden
Girls on random TV networks,
are devouring them.” There is
something novel about watching
a season of Friends in sequential
order, as opposed to a mishmash
of repeats and missed episodes. A
semi-forgotten series such as Frasier,
meanwhile, can fi nd new life in the
streaming era as a meme trove.
All this presents an additional
challenge to the traditional
channels , as the new Ofcom
statistics reveal. The average British
person watches nearly fi ve hours
of video a day, on TVs, laptops,
phones and the rest. Live TV remains
dominan t – on average, we watch
two hours and 43 minutes a da y –
but other means are catching up,
including recorded playback (30
minutes), streaming services (26
minutes) and YouTube not on a TV
(34 minutes).
We may no longer be content to
settle for random reruns on regular
channels , but according to the
Broadcasters’ Audience Research
Board (Barb ) – which has collated
viewing-hours data since 199 2 – it’s
not vastly more than we used to
watch. Twenty-fi ve years ago, we
were still watching close to four
hours of broadcast TV each a day,
and that wasn’t counting satellite
and cabl e – nor hours spent watching
old VHS tapes.
The high numbers make more
sense when you consider how
people actually use their TVs. In the
90s, my family TV set would usually
be switched on from between 4pm
and 11pm every day, and I don’t
think we were unusual. My little
sister watched cartoons after school,
and my older sister and I would then
commandeer the remote for Home
and Away and Neighbours. The
early evening news would play to
an empty room while we ate dinner,
then the whole family would gather
for Top of the Pops or EastEnders. A
lot of the time, the TV would be on in
the background while housework or
homework was done, a bit like how
I have the radio on most of the time
in my kitchen now. Or how many
teenagers let YouTubers autoplay in
their bedrooms.
As Ball says, this sort of TV
consumption hasn’t really change d –
it has just got more effi cient.
“Millions are still watching TV this
way, just with Netfl ix and Hulu,”
he says. “The major platforms are
increasingly interested in how to
facilitate this. Hulu just rolled out
a ‘play random episode’ feature
and Pluto TV has a programming
schedule [that replicates broadcast]:
you tune in and just surf as you
would a TV. Audiences still like this.”
Seetal, 38, from north London,
lists Friends, The Big Bang Theory,
Brooklyn 99 and Two and a Half
Men, as well as Nigel Slater’s and
Rick Stein’s cookery programmes
as being among her favourite non-
event TV shows. “They’re familiar,
and that’s a source of comfort
in itself. There’s a heavy dose of
nostalgia. And you know what’s
going to happen.” Sometimes, we
watch TV because we want to be
gripped and amazed , but mostly
because we want to be soothed
and cheered. Personally, I’m a little
dystopia’d out at the moment,
and slightly weary of portentous
prestige dramas that only really get
going in the third series; I’m always
more keen to be recommended a
25-minute sitcom.
Helen Sneha Jambunathan,
a behavioural analyst for the market
research company Canvas8, sees
such choices as an inevitabl e – when
many of us face increasing levels
of stress and anxiety , “the lure of
vegging out is undeniable”, she
says. “Easy-to-consume media let
people switch off in a way that’s
simply not possible when fully
focused or even just daydreaming. It
provides the same eff ect as carrying
out manual work or exercisin g –
your consciousness has something
to focus on, while the rest of you
truly gets to rest.” You could call it
mindful mindlessness.
For Emma, 34, a freelance events
designer from Margate, the absence
of unexpected twists is what draws
her back to her favourites : The Fresh
Prince of Bel-Air, Frasier and Parks
and Recreation. “There’s nothing
that’s going to give you deep thought
there. Something like Line of Duty
or Killing Eve is not like that.” But
her most compulsive viewing is
The Big Bang Theory, to which she
has fallen asleep every night for the
past fi ve years.
“I’m one of those weird people
who has to have noise on when
I work. I always have at least the
radio and the TV on at the same
time. I feel like my brain has adapted
to all these extra stimul i – if there’s
silence, I can’t switch off , so it’s
a way of keeping my brain occupied.
So when I go to sleep I have to watch
The Big Bang Theory on repeat or
I just lie awake thinking about stuff .”
Emma knows how bad all that
blue light is for your concentration ,
and how it is important to give your
brain a break from information.
She wishes she could listen to
some classical music, or even have
silence instead. “But I now just can’t
sleep without it.” She estimates
that she has seen every episode
about 20 times. Considering there
are 279 episodes , that is a lot of Big
Bang Theory.
We think of
elderly people
relying on TV for
but younger
people do it, too
Development ...
more popular
than Stranger
The US version
of The Offi ce ...
Netfl ix’s most
popular show