The Guardian - 15.08.2019

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  • The Guardian
    6 Thursday 15 August 2019

The homeless chefs

barbecueing with the best

Beyond Food helps

apprentices turn

their lives around.

This month they will

be running stoves at

Meatopia, a festival

of food and fi re, says

Felicity Cloake



This mango and coconut tart is
not only silky smooth, it’s also an
explosion of fruity fl avours. Have
fun arranging the fruit on top in
geometric shapes, or just throw it on
in a rustic fashion.

First make the pastry. Rub the butter
into the fl our and sugar until evenly
distributed. Add the beaten egg and
mix until the pastry forms a ball.
For the vegan pastry: mix all the dry
ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
Add the coconut oil and use your
fi ngers to rub it in until it resembles
fi ne breadcrumbs. Add the water to
combine and form a ball. Try to work
the pastry as little as possible.
On a well fl oured surface, roll out
the pastry into a rough rectangular
shape slightly larger than the tart tin.
Carefully roll the pastry over a
fl oured rolling pin, then use to drape
it over the tart tin. Press the pastry
into the sides and trim the excess. U se
extra pastry to fi ll in any gaps. Prick
the base of the tart all over with a fork.
Place tart in the fridge for 15
minutes. Preheat the oven to 180C.
Line the tart with foil, covering all the
edges, and fi ll with baking beads or
rice. Blind bake for 15 minutes with
the foil on. Then remove the beads
and foil, and bake for 10-15 minutes
until golden brown all over. Set aside.
For the fi lling, add all the
ingredients (apart from the coconut
oil/butter) to a food processor and
blend until the mango pulp is smooth
and combined. Pour into a pan and
stir continuously over medium heat
until it holds a trail. Stir through the
coconut oil/butter until melted. If
the ingredients separate, just blend
in the food processor until they
combine again. Pour into the tart
shell and leave to set and form a skin.
Cut up diff erent fruit and arrange
on top to decorate. Eat straight away
or store in the fridge.
Baking with Kim-Joy: Cute and
Creative Bakes to Make You Smile is
published by Quadrille on 22 August.
To order a copy for £15.84 (RRP £18)
go to or call
0330 333 6846

Pastry 20 mins
Filling 20 mins
Plus fruit-
arranging time

Makes one sharing-
sized rectangular
tart (14in x 5in)

For the pastry
225g plain fl our
40g caster sugar
155g salted butter
(cubed, room temp)
2 ½-3 tbsp of
beaten egg

To make the pastry
240g plain fl our
⅓ tsp salt
30g caster sugar
145g organic extra
virgin coconut oil
( room temperature
and scoopable)
44-54g cold water

260g mango pulp
400g coconut milk
95g caster sugar
50g cornfl our
½ tsp vanilla
30g coconut oil/

mango, kiwi,

Mango and coconut tart

with geometric fruit pieces


ndrew Cannon’s
greatest ambition
is to climb Everest.
That, and to be
happy, and perhaps
live with someone
some day – more modest goals
perhaps, but until recently they all
seemed equally impossible dreams.
Cannon found himself cast
adrift when life events forced him
to return to the UK after 25 years
teaching abroad. He struggled to
adjust and fi nd work, or even a
permanent place to live. Last year,
however, his path crossed that of
Simon Boyle, an award-winning
chef who, whil e volunteering in Sri
Lanka in the aftermath of the 2004
Indian Ocean tsunami, was inspired
to do more for his own community.
After a spell teaching cookery skills
in hostels, Boyle set up Beyond
Food , a social enterprise that, in its
own words, uses food as a catalyst

for change, hoping to break the
cycle of poverty, homelessness and
As well as running introductory
courses, Beyond Food recruits an
annual cohort of people at risk, or
with experience, of homelessness
for a two-year apprenticeship with
Brigade, the charity’s restaurant
near Tower Bridge, London. They
graduate with an NVQ level 2
diploma in professional cookery,
a prestigious work placement and
an ongoing support network – their
“arm around the shoulder, poke in
the ribs team”, as Boyle describes it –
“so they can focus on the job”.
The scheme has turned out 121
graduates so far. Cannon, halfway
through his fi rst year, has a way to go
yet, but thanks to the varied range of
opportunities off ered to trainees, in
a couple of weeks he will be behind
the stoves at Meatopia , his very
fi rst food festival, held annually in
Tobacco Dock. He is excited, and just
a little nervous.
One of the things he is looking
forward to most is the chance to
taste food from the chefs headlining
the event. Having helped Jackson
Bristow of Cornwall’s Nancarrow
Farm at a preview tasting earlier
this summer, he says he was “blown
away” by the stuff ed courgette
fl owers in particular.
He is likely to have a few more
surprises in store: this year’s festival
is bringing together an eclectic
line-up, which includes Amninder
Sandhu of Mumbai’s Arth, described
by Marco Pierre White as “the
girl with gold in her fi ngers” ; the

American Bryan Furman, Georgia’s
king of barbecue, and burgers from
Singapore pop-up Rosita’s Deluxe, as
well as cooks from all over Europe.
It is a thrilling menu and Mat Kemp,
the creative director of the festival,
now in its sixth year in the UK, sees
Beyond Food as the perfect partner.
“We fl y in chefs from around the
world, and they will maybe come
with just one sous chef, so we need
to give them a team. Not only is the
restaurant industry short of people
training in kitchens , [Britain is]
leaving Europe, where most of them
come from,” he says. “ But what
Simon does is just a bloody great
thing, taking people in challenging
situations and giving them
something to do.” Up and coming
chefs are always keen to help out
but Kemp believes the Beyond Food
apprentices “will be hungrier than
the others, maybe”.
It is a pressure fellow trainee
Nigel Adams feels acutely, excited

Meatopia 2017


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