Oxygen USA – July-August 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

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pinches salt. (Thin if needed by stirring in warm water 1 teaspoon at a
time.) Use sauce on grain bowls, steamed vegetables, sweet potatoes
or grilled chicken and fi sh.

5.AS A HEART-HEALTHY MUFFINA good chunk of the calo-
ries in tahini hail from unsaturated fat, and a study in The American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that replacing 10 percent of the
dietary calories that come from saturated fat with unsaturated fat
improves the markers associated with heart health. Tahini Banana
Bread Muffi ns: Stir together 2 cups whole-wheat pastry fl our, ¾
teaspoon baking soda and ¼ teaspoon salt. In a separate bowl, beat
2 eggs, then stir in 3 mashed bananas, ½ cup brown sugar, 1⁄3 cup
tahini, ¼ cup melted butter and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Combine wet and
dry ingredients, then fold in 1⁄3 cup dark chocolate chips. Divide bat-
ter among 12 muffi n cups, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake 20
minutes at 350 F, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out
nearly clean.

By Matthew Kadey, MS, RD

sesame! Try
these recipes
that use tahini
as a main

Why you should

try tahini

Tahini is peanut butter’s Middle Eastern kissing cousin, and this ses-
ame seed paste is fast becoming a pantry staple. Here are fi ve ways to
use this nutritional overachiever that go well beyond humble hummus.

fi ber than most nut butters, and a study in the journal Nutrients found
that higher intakes of dietary fi ber can help combat depression.
Granola Tahini Smoothie Bowl: Blend together ¼ cup milk, 2⁄3 cup
plain Greek yogurt, 1 tablespoon tahini, 2 pitted soft dates, ½ tea-
spoon vanilla, 1⁄8 teaspoon cardamom and 1 frozen chopped banana.
Pour into a bowl and top with ½ cup granola.

sesamin, a unique compound reputed to have cancer-fi ghting pow-
ers: It appears that sesamin fends off infl ammation and helps put the
brakes on cancerous cell division. Roasted Caulifl ower Tahini Soup:
Slice 1 head caulifl ower into 1-inch fl orets, and cut 1 yellow onion into
1-inch-thick pieces. Toss with 4 whole peeled garlic cloves, 1 table-
spoon oil and ½ teaspoon salt. Spread on a rimmed baking sheet and
roast 25 minutes at 400 F, stirring halfway through. Blend together 4
cups vegetable broth, roasted caulifl ower/garlic/onions, ¼ cup tahini,
juice of ½ lemon and 2 teaspoons za’atar seasoning until smooth.

rich in calcium and phosphorus, two minerals that play a vital role in
maintaining bone health. Phosphorus also acts as a buff er and helps
maintain your body’s pH. Apricot Tahini Balls: Pulverize ¾ cup rolled
oats in a food processor. Add 1 cup dried apricots, ¼ cup tahini, ¼ cup
ground fl axseed, 3 tablespoons honey, zest of 1 lemon, 1 teaspoon
ginger powder and 1⁄8 teaspoon salt and process until a sticky mixture
is formed. Using damp hands, roll into 1-inch balls. Refrigerate until
ready to eat.

4.AS AN ENERGIZING SAUCETahini boasts a good cache of thi-
amine, the B vitamin involved in maintaining metabolism and helping
break down and produce energy from the carbs, fats and protein in
your diet. Smoky Tahini Sauce: Whisk together 2 tablespoons olive oil,
3 tablespoons tahini, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 grated garlic clove, 1
teaspoon smoked paprika, ½ teaspoon cumin powder and a couple

Look out almond butter — this sesame seed
paste can help smooth out the kinks in your diet.

fuel 1 FOOD, 5 WAYS

energy balls

breakfast bowl

creamy soup


muffi n

This rich,
paste is great
for both sweet
and savory
Free download pdf