Oxygen USA – July-August 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

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Get on the Fast Track
Want a simple, eff ective plan you can do from home on your own
terms using minimal equipment? Then check out Chady Dunmore’s
new 28-day course Fast-Track Fitness. With time-effi cient workouts
for anyone at any level, you will strengthen your whole body, burn
a ton of calories, and create a habit of clean eating and exercise in
less than a month!
courses.oxygenmag.com/chady, $59

Sample Programs

Choose a moderately heavy weight and
perform each couplet one to three times
through, depending on time and ability level.
You can sub jumping or jogging in place
if you don’t have a rope.

Couplet 1
Curtsy Lunge 30 seconds
Dumbbell Punch 30 seconds
Jump Rope 1 minute

Couplet 2
Runner’s Lunge 30 seconds (each leg)
Standing Triceps 30 seconds
Overhead Extension
Jump Rope 1 minute

Couplet 3
Banded Side Leg Raise 30 seconds (each side)
One-Arm Row 30 seconds (each side)
Jump Rope 1 minute

Complete all reps of one move before going to the
next. Rest as needed, but keep your rest intervals
brief to keep the fat burn high!

Exercise Reps
Dumbbell Punch 60 (30 per side)
One-Arm Row 50 (25 per side)
Standing Triceps 40
Overhead Extension
Banded Side Leg 30 (each leg)
Curtsy Lunge 20 (each leg)
Runner’s Lunge 10 (each leg)

Using a moderate to heavy weight, perform
these exercises in straight sets, resting minimally
between sets. As a burnout fi nisher, do one set of
100 reps of dumbbell punches.

Exercise Sets Reps
Curtsy Lunge 5 10 (each leg)
Standing Triceps 5 12-15
Overhead Extension
Runner’s Lunge 5 10 (each leg)
Banded Side 5 15
Leg Raise (right)
One-Arm Row (right) 5 15
Banded Side 5 15
Leg Raise (left)
One-Arm Row (left) 5 15
Dumbbell Punch 1 100

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell
straight up over your head with both hands. Bend at your elbows
to lower the weight down behind your head as far as you can, then
extend your elbows to lift it back to the start.

LEVEL UP:Use a dumbbell in each hand to work each arm separately
and increase the challenge.
TIP:“Don’t let your elbows fl are out since this takes the work off your
triceps,” she says.
Free download pdf