Oxygen USA – July-August 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

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Hanging on to your new
body isn’t just about drinking
water and logging your
steps — you need to adopt
this as a mindset and a
lifestyle. Implement some of
these strategies to help you

Get Support. Surround
yourself with people who
share your goals and lifestyle
preferences and who won’t
sabotage your progress.

Manage Stress. Find methods
that are not food-related,
such as meditation, reading
and — of course — exercising.

Stick to Your Plan, Even on
Weekends. Yes, it’s OK to
indulge, but don’t eat back
all the hard work you put in
during the week in one single
day. Have everything in
moderation, and make sure
you’re staying physical.

Stay Accountable. Studies
show that people who track
their food intake with a
journal or an app are more
likely to maintain their weight
loss long term.

Exercise is
the magic
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