Pearl – August 2019

(Sean Pound) #1
20 Pearl • August 2019

nor had the classifica-
tion anything to do
with spiritual
maturity, but it was
necessary to use for
this some outward
earthly characteristic
which is inherent in
all human beings, and
which is decisive for
their conduct in their
everyday association
with each other: the
disposition and
culture of the human
being as expressed in
his behaviour.
Also earlier
peoples had already
recognised this
unconsciously when
they divided their
populations into
social ranks and
cultural classes.
The leaders now
saw to it that according to this characteristic each came
into his appropriate environment, since only there can
a joint swinging arise, and can a man of a more delicate
intuitive perception be protected from being harmed by
the coarser nature of another.
After these first basic divisions there took place, by
means of the attraction of homogeneous species
through incarnations, a further classification into
individual circles, where enough opportunities for
ascent exist. Changing into other circles is also possible.
Meanwhile humans had grasped that each prepares
his own destiny, and thus also the place which he
receives through birth. The classification, after all, was
nothing other than assignment to the self-chosen
place. They could not advance in a wrong place, any
more than could a plant which, uprooted from its
accustomed soil, is transplanted into an unfamiliar
one. Only on soil homogeneous to himself is man in a
position to unfold all his abilities and qualities in a
healthy growth to full blossom; only there, standing on
a sound foundation, is he able to cooperate with the
true upbuilding of his people.
He finds this fertile soil only within the circle of his
own kind.
The circles are the foundation for the social devel-
opment of every people, and the solution of all social
problems is closely connected with them.
This experience and, last but not least, the prudent
guidance of their leaders, made it easier for human
beings of the new era to become accustomed to the

Only on soil

homogeneous to

himself is man in

a position to

unfold all his

abilities and

qualities in a

healthy growth to

full blossom; only

there, standing on

a sound founda-

tion, is he able to

cooperate with

the true upbuild-

ing of his people.

20 Pearl • August 2019

nor had the classifica-
tion anything to do
with spiritual
maturity, but it was
necessary to use for
this some outward
earthly characteristic
which is inherent in
all human beings, and
which is decisive for
their conduct in their
everyday association
with each other: the
disposition and
culture of the human
being as expressed in
his behaviour.
Also earlier
peoples had already
recognised this
unconsciously when
they divided their
populations into
social ranks and
cultural classes.
The leaders now
saw to it that according to this characteristic each came
into his appropriate environment, since only there can
a joint swinging arise, and can a man of a more delicate
intuitive perception be protected from being harmed by
the coarser nature of another.
After these first basic divisions there took place, by
means of the attraction of homogeneous species
through incarnations, a further classification into
individual circles, where enough opportunities for
ascent exist. Changing into other circles is also possible.
Meanwhile humans had grasped that each prepares
his own destiny, and thus also the place which he
receives through birth. The classification, after all, was
nothing other than assignment to the self-chosen
place. They could not advance in a wrong place, any
more than could a plant which, uprooted from its
accustomed soil, is transplanted into an unfamiliar
one. Only on soil homogeneous to himself is man in a
position to unfold all his abilities and qualities in a
healthy growth to full blossom; only there, standing on
a sound foundation, is he able to cooperate with the
true upbuilding of his people.
He finds this fertile soil only within the circle of his
own kind.
The circles are the foundation for the social devel-
opment of every people, and the solution of all social
problems is closely connected with them.
This experience and, last but not least, the prudent
guidance of their leaders, made it easier for human
beings of the new era to become accustomed to the

Only on soil

homogeneous to

himself is man in

a position to

unfold all his

abilities and

qualities in a

healthy growth to

full blossom; only

there, standing on

a sound founda-

tion, is he able to

cooperate with

the true upbuild-

ing of his people.

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