- The Observer
News 11.08.19 15
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in collaboration with other
conservation groups such as
the Moorland Association – has
placed emphasis on encouraging
brood management schemes that
help chicks survive. In some cases,
supplementary food is provided to
help chicks’ survival and divert adult
birds’ attention from taking grouse
Natural England said this “positive
result” meant the past two years had
produced 81 fl edged chicks, surpass-
ing the total for the previous fi ve years
put together.
“The chicks have also hatched in a
wider variety of areas this year, includ-
ing in Northumberland, Yorkshire
Dales, Derbyshire and Lancashire –
leading to hopes that a corner has
been turned in the restoration of the
hen harrier population,” it said.
Amanda Anderson, director of
the Moorland Association, was also
enthusiastic. She said: “It has been
a fantastic year for hen harriers with
a year-on-year increase in both the
geographical range of the nests and
the type of land on which they have
successfully fl edged .”
But this suggestion is fl atly rejected
by Corrigan. “Until something is done
to stop illegal killing it is hard to see
a bright future for this year’s chicks.
We believe licensing of driven grouse
moors is the best chance we have of
ensuring these wonderful birds will
be seen by future generations.”
The RSPB is one of many organ-
isations who believe the best way
to protect raptors, and to improve
the management of peatlands, is
to license grouse moors and give
authorities the power to ban shoot-
ing estates where protected species
are disappearing.
“The pervasiveness of illegal kill-
ing means many of this year’s young
hen harriers will not get the chance
to raise a family of their own and so
the population continues to dwindle,”
said Corrigan.
These views were recently backed
by television wildlife presenter Chris
Packham. Commenting after a hen
harrier was found with an almost sev-
ered leg in an illegally set trap on a
South Lanarkshire grouse moor, he
said the incident – which meant the
bird had to be destroyed – showed
that the UK shooting industry “was
out of control, obviously beyond
any form of self-regulation, and tol-
erant of an utter contempt for the
laws which are meant to protect our
Th e merlin
Britain’s smallest raptor preys on
other birds such as the meadow pipit
but suff ered a serious decline in the
1960s due to pesticide poisoning.
Habitat loss, primarily due to
aff orestation and overgrazing, has
since hampered its recovery.
Th e montagu harrier
One of the most endangered of our
birds of prey, th is now rarely breeds
in the UK. Its status is so precarious
that every pair needs special
protection, according to the RSPB.
Th e marsh harrier
Th e largest of the harriers , the
marsh harrier’s numbers declined
last century but have recovered in
recent years, though it is still given
special protection as a schedule 1
listed bird under the wildlife and
countryside act.
Birds under threat
Twelve pairs
of hen harriers
in England
produced 47
chicks in 2019.
Hen harriers
are illegally
trapped or shot
by gamekeepers
on some grouse
shooting estates.
in collaboration ww
conservation groupss
the Moorland d AsAssosocii
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