The Observer
The spread of America’s
white supremacists
The El Paso killer subscribed to
far-right conspiracy theories that
Hispanic ‘invasions’ are part of
the move to replace a declining
white majority. Luke Darby reports
that similar ideas lie behind
Republican tactics to stay in power
efore he opened fire
in a shopping centre
in El Paso , killing 22
people and wounding
dozens more, Patrick
Crusius posted a man-
ifesto online stating his motivation:
he was trying to stop a “Hispanic
invasion of Texas”. In April another
gunman attacked a synagogue in
Poway, California , killing one woman
and wounding three other people. In
a “manifesto” attributed to him, he
claimed he was responding to the
“meticulously planned genocide of
the European race”.
In Pittsburgh, in October last
year , yet another gunman attacked
a synagogue that he chose specifi -
cally because the congregation had
tried to help refugees come to the
United States. He wrote online that
they were trying to “bring invaders
in that kill our people”. The man who
murdered 51 people at two mosques
in Christchurch, New Zealand, in
March this year called immigration
an “assault on the European people”.
All of these killers were obsessed
with the “great replacement” con-
CCTV images of El Paso shooter Patrick Crusius in the Walmart store on 3 August. He stated that his motivation was to stop a ‘Hispanic invasion of Texas’. KTSM
Continued overleaf
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