The very idea of a united
kingdom is being torn
apart by toxic nationalism
Boris Johnson’s Brexit strategy is
imperilling centuries of common
purpose. It can’t be allowed to succeed
by Dominic
Gordon Brown
was prime
minister from
2007 to 2010
The good old days?
Look deeper and
the myth of ideal
communities fades
Jon Lawrence
Page 45
T he fi rst step to solving a problem
is to see it clearly. And if we are to understand why we are
facing not only our most serious constitutional crisis since
the 17th century but an unprecedented economic calamity
precipitated by a no-deal exit from the EU, we must
recognise that nationalism is now driving British politics.
Having set almost impossible terms for any negotiation
with Europe and preparing to renege on legal obligations
to pay our debts to the EU – the economic equivalent of a
declaration of war – Boris Johnson’s government is hell-
bent on conjuring up the absurd and mendacious image
of the patriotic British valiantly defying an intransigent
Europe determined to turn us into a vassal state.
His soundbites, pledging token sums for the NHS
and 20,000 more police on the street at some future
date, cannot disguise a government driven not by the
national interest but by a destructive, populist, nationalist
ideology. And with Scottish nationalists pushing a more
extreme form of separation and Northern Ireland’s
unionists becoming, paradoxically, Northern Irish
nationalists – digging in, even if it means, against all
economic logic, a hard border with the Irish Republic –
we are, at best, only a precariously united kingdom.
Johnson’s fl ying visits to all corners of the UK have
done nothing to dispel the impression that under him the
world’s most successful multinational state is devoid of a
unifying purpose powerful enough to hold it together and
to keep four nationalisms – Scottish, Irish, English and
also a rising Welsh nationalism – at bay.
Recent polling shows a majority of Scots support
Scottish independence. In a new Hope Not Hate poll,
many more – 60% – agree a no-deal Brexit will accelerate
the demand for independence. Only 15% disagree.
What is most worrying is not just that so many think
the union will end but how at least for now so few appear
to care. Only 30% of British Conservatives (and only 14%
of Brexit party voters) would oppose Brexit if it meant the
break-up of the union: 56% of Tories (and 78% of Brexit
party voters) – in total 70% of Leavers – would go ahead
regardless, even if the union collapsed.
Three weeks into the Johnson premiership, English
nationalism is on the rise, the Conservative and Unionist
party has been reincarnated as the Conservative and
Brexit party, unionism appears to be sleepwalking into
oblivion and the UK, once admired around the world for
an understated but comfortably unifying Britishness that
was inclusive, outward-looking, tolerant and ultimately
pragmatic, now presents an ugly picture: of bitter
division, intolerance and introversion so extreme that
it has sacrifi ced common sense in favour of a dogmatic
abandonment of its own best interests.
Incoming governments normally announce that they
will seek to serve the whole electorate. Now, playing out
in triplicate across the UK is a “divide and rule” approach
to leadership, straight from Donald Trump’s playbook:
each faction consolidating its base, choosing an enemy
and accusing opponents of treason in the hope that
in a multi party system they can win with a minority
of votes. Johnson adviser Dominic Cummings depicts
the Commons as the enemy in a “people v parliament”
election, with the people led to believe – by a costly public
information campaign that is nothing more than Brexit
propaganda – that their parliament is prepared to betray
democracy and abandon traditional national values. Next,
the Tories will likely embrace Lynton Crosby ’s well-honed
election strategy: to whip up English nationalism by
demonising immigrants as well as perfi dious Europeans
and playing the Scottish card he so successfully deployed
in 2015, with the spectre of a minority Labour government
controlled by an even smaller minority of Scots.
A s this hardline nationalism tightens its grip, there
is much worse to come: Johnson joining Nigel Farage
in insisting that a no-deal Brexit on 31 October is the
only true expression of patriotism; trade wars putting
businesses and jobs in jeopardy; Scottish separatists
not just threatening to leave every institution of the UK
but planning for a no-deal exit too; a rerun of the old
pressures for an Irish unifi cation poll; and England being
pushed towards a self-regarding xenophobia.
The SNP is already peddling what it claims is a
progressive, pro-European Scottish nationalism that
must break free from Johnson’s reactionary, anti-
European and anti-Scottish English nationalism – and
the inescapable conclusion that only thus can Scotland
regain its dignity. But if the UK pound, the UK customs
union and the UK single market all go, this desire for
hard – not soft – separatism ignores the hundreds of
thousands of jobs at risk of going too.
Labour’s role should be to stand up
for Britain’s true economic interests but a few days ago
John McDonnell also fell straight into the nationalist trap ,
suggesting a Scottish parliament should not be frustrated
by what he called the “English parliament”.
Unionist parties in Northern Ireland should have been
persuaded that their stated objectives – the integrity
of the UK and an open border with the Irish Republic
- could be best secured by continued membership of
the customs union and single market. Such an outcome
would have better refl ected the dominant pro-European
vote of Northern Ireland’s electors. But the DUP has
convinced itself that its stance on Europe has to be
couched in purely nationalist terms – as a test not of
what’s best economically for Northern Ireland but of
whether a diehard brand of nationalism will prevail.
As the Second World War ended, George Orwell made
a distinction between patriots who instinctively love their
country and the opposite, a political nationalism that he
defi ned as “power hunger tempered by self-deception”. He
noted its defi ning features: unreality about the country’s
prospects; introversion bordering on the xenophobic; and
hate-fi lled obsessiveness that treats people solely in terms
of their loyalty and utility. Orwell argued passionately that
the descent into a narrow, chauvinistic nationalism could
be halted only by what he called “moral effort”.
In our times, this means we must rediscover the age-old
virtues of empathy, solidarity across borders, reciprocity
between nations and co-operation rather than confl ict.
These precious ideals – and a tolerant, inclusive and
outward-looking Britishness – could not survive the
divisiveness and chaos of a no-deal Brexit. To prevent the
rise of dysfunctional nationalism, the fi rst step is to stop
no deal in its tracks.
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