Australian HiFi – July 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

Australian Hi-Fi 29

Yamaha CD-S300 CD/USB Player

Graph 1.
THD @ 1kHz
@ 0dB
recorded level.

Graph 3.
THD @ 1kHz
@ –20dB
recorded level.

Graph 5.
THD @ 1kHz
@ –91.24dB
recorded level.

Graph 7.
Impulse Train.
(One maximum
sample every
70 samples
(630 pulses
per second).

Graph 9.
THD @ 20kHz
@ 0dB
recorded level.

Graph 2.
THD @ 1kHz
@ –6dB
recorded level.

Graph 4.
THD @ 1kHz
@ –60dB
recorded level.

Graph 6.
THD @ 1kHz
@ –90.31dB
recorded level.
(With dither)

Graph 8.
CCIF Distortion
tion) @ 0dB
using 19kHz
and 20kHz test
signals in 1:1

Graph 10.
Response at
@ 0dB
recorded level.

  1. (^000). 00

  2. 00

  3. 00

  4. 00

  5. 00

  6. 00

  7. 00
    dBF 0. 00 S .EWPORT 4EST ,ABST

  8. (^000). 00 z.. 12000.00. 20000.00

  9. 00

  10. 00

  11. 00

  12. 00

  13. 00

  14. 00
    dBF 0. 00 S ABS

  15. 00

  16. 00

  17. 00

  18. 00

  19. 00

  20. 00

  21. 00
    dBF 0. 00 S .EWPORT 4EST ,ABST

  22. (^000). 00 Hz 10000.00 20000.00 30000.00 40000.00

  23. 00

  24. 00

  25. 00

  26. 00

  27. 00

  28. 00
    dBFS 0. (^00) ABSB

  29. 00

  30. 00

  31. 00

  32. 00

  33. 00

  34. 00

  35. 00
    dBF 0. 00 S .EWPORT 4EST ,ABSP B

  36. 00

  37. 00

  38. 00

  39. 00
    20.0 0
    dBF 0. 00 S .EWPORT 4EST ,ABST B

. z.. 2.. 2.

80. 00

60. 00

40. 00

20. 00

0. 00

100. 00

80. 00

60. 00

40. 00

20. 00


0. 00 Hz 00

80. 00

60. 00

40. 00

20. 00

dB 0. 00 S


0 40


time-reversed ringing of a standard delta-sig-
ma oversampling filter.
Newport Test Labs measured the out-
put voltage of the Yamaha CD-S300 when
playing back a 1kHz signal recorded at 0dB
as 2.11005-volts from the left channel line
output and 2.1336-volts from the right chan-
nel, so essentially only a 0.01V difference,

equating to a channel balance of 0.09dB,
which is excellent.
Newport Test Labs was not able to measure
power consumption in standby mode, be-
cause the CD-S300 does not have a standby
mode. If, as a result, you leave it switched on
(but not playing) when you’re not using it, it
will draw a continuous (though admittedly

rather insignificant) 7.47-watts from your
mains power supply. When you’re actually
playing a CD, power consumption increases
to just over 10-watts.
Other than the fact that it didn’t appear
to have a stand-by circuit, the Yamaha CD-
S300 deliveredsolidperformance on the test
bench. Steve Holding
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