fine antique rug over sisal, put a basket in a really formal room,
or throw a gilt French chair into a beach house.
SH: What do you personally collect right now?
MDS: Books, blue-and-white porcelains, baskets, and boxes.
Would navy crewneck cotton sweaters count? That’s what I wear
every day, and I have dozens. Dressing is one part of my life that
needs to be easy.
SH: Share your best piece of advice about style.
MDS: Surround yourself with whatever it is that you love. I firmly
believe the most wonderful houses happen when they are filled
with things people have collected over the years that tell a story
about them. Be truly authentic, and it will resonate.
SH: Finally, there’s another line in your book that really speaks to
us, “...if you live with beauty, happiness follows.” Where and when
are you happiest?
MDS: Probably when I’m in my garden by myself, just sitting
and listening to the fountains. The garden inspires me because
I reflect about where it started, how nature has been tended
and grown in, and that’s a beautiful thing to think about. On a
completely different note, there’s a little diner that I go to every
morning at 6:30 to start my day, get things done, where
everything is familiar and so simple. It may sound strange, but
it’s kind of my happy place.