Old House Journal – September 2019

(Marcin) #1

Twin parlors fl anking

the magnifi cent entry hall were drawing rooms

for ladies and gentlemen. Now furnished with

a Belter parlor set and a rosewood baby-grand

piano, the Ladies’ Parlor is an elegant retreat

for entertainments and tea. Across the hall, the

men’s parlor was

redecorated as an

ode to the Herter

Brothers, New York

furniture makers.

The Ladies’ Parlor has a custom hand-
printed, flocked paper from Cole &
Son, Scalamandre’s wool Wilton carpet
‘Turner’, and a Belter rosewood parlor
set upholstered in Italian silk brocatelle.

RIGHT The baby-grand piano in
the Ladies’ Parlor is used for
recitals. LEFT From the porch,
Petey and Pipa peek through an
original floor-to-ceiling window;
note the hinged wainscot panel.
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