he enterprise is entering a new “post-digi-
tal” era, where success will be based on
how companies can apply new technol-
ogies in people-centric ways, creating personal-
ised experiences for customers, employees and
business partners. As technological innovation
continues to accelerate – with new, more powerful
solutions coming to market on an almost daily basis
- few people could be blamed for feeling like dino-
saurs, watching all the other animals board an Ark
with ‘cloud’ written on the side of it. However, while
the vast majority of companies have begun their
digital transformation journeys, such as migration
to the public cloud, the collective journey is still very
much in its early stages. “75-80% of all enterprises
are doing cloud in various shapes or forms, but
if you look at how much of their estates they’ve
actually migrated or leveraged into cloud, it’s still
fairly small,” comments Philippe Chauffard, Manag-
ing Director of Accenture’s Intelligent Cloud Infra-
structure division. “While everybody is doing it,
a lot of people are still in the early stages.”
Philippe Chauffard, Managing
Director of Accenture’s
Intelligent Cloud Infrastructure
division, advocates for a multi-
thread cloud evolution, driven
by the business case