Delivering key business and technology initiatives
that propel organisational performance and elevate
our customers’ brand.
Business Change
Digital Optimisation
Cyber Security
Looking beyond.
Oakton, Plan IT, PM Partners, RXP,
SMS - ASG Group, TDL/CNI, Terra
and Third Horizon.
Streamlining the process for
individual projects, the panel allows
the department to maintain strategic
relationships with partners rather than
relying on a project-by-project approach.
Hodgkinson and his team have
delivered and iteratively refined more
than 30 major new business systems,
of which he points out a number of
exemplary projects that demonstrate
the impact possible with the
Platform+Agile approach. “The
Housing Register Online Application
brought together a very fragmented
application process for public housing
and put it online in a form that could
be used on a smartphone,” says
Hodgkinson. “That whole process was
a radical re-engineering and simplifi-
cation of the way that people applied
for public housing. The received
wisdom was that the form and the
process were far too complicated to
work on a mobile phone. Using the
Microsoft Azure framework that we
had and its ability to work via smart-
phone applications, we launched
the service and found that a large
percentage of clients thought that it
was much easier to use than the old
paper form process and more
convenient to access on a mobile
phone than a computer. This taught
us how the functionality native in the
platform can actually drive innovation
in citizen-centric service delivery.”
Another project saw the creation
of the Client Incident Management
System (CIMS), a unified system for
collecting and managing incident
reports from over 1,700 agencies in
fields such as disability, public housing
and child protection. Again using
Microsoft Azure, the large number
Steve Hodgkinson,
CIO, The Victorian Department
of Health and Human Services
“ The agility of today’s
platforms means
the most important
thing is to get started,
deliver something
and iterate upon it”