Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1
Michael Prokopis,
Vice President of Supply Chain
A leader with a uniquely business-minded
approach to healthcare, Michael Prokopis is
the Vice President of Supply Chain at Steward
Health Care. Overseeing the $1.5 Billion supply
chain capabilities of more than 30 hospitals
comes naturally to an executive with more
than twenty years’ worth of experience in
strategy, planning, and optimization. Michael
has master’s degrees from MIT and Dartmouth
and lives in Dallas, TX.

transmission at the same time.
We have to do things differently
in order to find those value pockets
and continue to drive towards quality
of care. It’s not just about consolidating
standards or bulk buys. We’re constant-
ly pushing ourselves to see if there’s
a way for us to improve, reimagine
and rethink the way that we’re working
in our hospitals, and most importantly,
delivering care for our patients.”
Operating with a firm customer-cen-
tric approach, Prokopis is constantly
evaluating how his firm can become

more sustainable and drive more value
for patients. “One of the things that
we say is that every dollar we save
in the supply chain is not a dollar that
rolls to the bottom line – it’s actually
a dollar that we can now reinvest into
our care,” he says. “There’s a long list
of things to buy and do and renew
to stay on the cutting edge. I tell
my team all the time that our fiduciary
responsibility as a supply chain is that
we’re a services organisation. We have
service level agreements that we have
to not only achieve but exceed! I come 123
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