Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1
to the commonplace at head-spinning
speeds, it is a common mistake for
companies to latch onto every new
development, implement it quickly,
and then try to figure out the business
case later. “Don’t digitally transform for
the sake of technology,” warns Davis.
“I digitally transform businesses to help
them compete and remain marketable.
When we talk about transformation,
it’s about a connection to your corpo-
rate strategy. It’s also about a data
strategy because ultimately I want to
modernize and help transform so I can
leverage the data within my company
to drive insights for the business.”
One new Intel technology that’s
playing a key role in harnessing
increased amounts of data for more
rapid insights is Intel Optane DC
Persistent Memory. In development
for the past 10 years, Intel Optane DC
Persistent Memory represents a
re-architecting of the memory storage
hierarchy. “We’ve created a new
memory pool that is non-volatile, unlike
RAM, and delivers more capacity and
better TCO,” explains Davis. “A great
use case for Optane is in in-memory
databases like SAP Hana. SAP has
been a key innovative partner in



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