Krash – September 2019

(WallPaper) #1


t, Sam Fawke.

KRASH: Have you always bee
interested in sea creatures?
SAM: Since I was very young
I’ve always loved being in and
around water. My passion for
aquatic life has grown from

KRASH: Describe your journey
to becoming an Aquarist? What
training or study was involved?
SAM: I started working in apet
shop when I was in Year nine
doing after school shifts for
about nine hours a week. When
I finished my Victoria Certificate
of Education I studied a
Bachelor of Aquaculture and
Environmental management,
whilst also working at a local
aquarium as an Assistant

KRASH: How did you scorethe
job at SEA LIFE?
SAM: I applied! I set my
Seek account to watch for
key words in positions that
I was interested in such as
“aquarium” and “aquarist”. A
position came up for an entry
level Animal Husbandry. I went
through the interview process
and was lucky enough to be

KRASH: What can
visitors expect
from a trip
to SEA

: A journey into an
amazing underwater world.
For some people, seeing or
experiencing interactions with
some of the species we have
at SEA LIFE Melbourne is not
possible in their day-to-day
lives. To be able to bring so
many different underwater
creatures to them and educate
them about the ocean is very

KRASH: Can you describe a
typical day at work?
SAM: My job entails so many
different tasks. From desk
work to diving and feeding to
plumbing, theming and animal
enrichment, you need to be a
jack of all trades! I love coming
to work because one day is
never the same as the next.

KRASH: What do you love the
most about your job?
SAM: The experiences and
animal interaction. There’s not
many jobs where you can come
home saying you spent the
day diving with sharks and
rays or feeding a 750 kilogram

KRASH: What is the most
challenging thing about your
SAM: Time! There
never seems to
be enough time
to complete

Book you read... ‘Three
Secret Cities’ by Matthew
Text message you sent...
“can you pick up the roster”.
Event you attended...
Movie night at work (it was
Song you listened to... ‘The
Reason’ by Hoobastank.
Animal you saw...
“Jerome” our black ray

Name: Sam Fawke.
Birthplace: Melbourne.
Birth date: 08/04/1992.
Occupation: Lead Aquarist
at SEA LIFE Melbourne


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