various NL crosses and backcrosses, such as
NL #5 x Haze, NL #5 x Skunk #1, Silver Pearl
and Hash Plant x NL #1.
In 1991, Schoenmakers sold the Seed Bank
of Holland to Sensi Seeds. Sensi Seeds cur-
rently off ers a seed form of Northern Lights,
which it created through extensive back-
crossing of “three original Northern Lights
variants.” Sensi Seeds describes the plants as
having low odor and the cured buds as hav-
ing a honey-musk, earthy, juniper scent.
Greenhouse Seed Co.’s Super Silver Haze,
an outstanding Northern Lights hybrid, has
the classic Haze taste, which is reminiscent of
the smell of cedar wood, and has a truly psy-
chedelic high, which is uplifting and enhances
Blueberry: Blueberry by DJ Short is a stabi-
lized, Afghani-sativa hybrid strain. It has vary-
ing tones of sweet berry flavor and a euphoric
high. The scent is often like a blueberry pie,
and the plants tend to have beautiful bluish-
purple hues at harvest. It yields best when
grown from seeds, but it can also provide
ample harvests from clones. The clones must
be well spaced to get plenty of light to their
fan leaves, or they’ll yield poorly.
Like many other strains (such as AK-47),
Blueberry mother plants tend to weakly
flower when they’re left unpruned for too
long. Frequent topping prevents this problem.
Topping for maintenance and increased clone
production exaggerates their already bushy
Afghani structure. This creates a lot of shade
around their pots, so prune lower branches
conservatively to prevent infestations of fun-
gus gnats, which prefer the shady conditions.
As an inbred line, Blueberry hybridizes
exceptionally well with other inbred lines.
Recognizing the quality and breeding com-
patibility of Blueberry, breeders have used
it in countless hybrids, as evidenced by the
number of “Blue” and “berry” names in the
current seed catalogs.
No strain had impacted the cannabis world as
significantly as Haze, Skunk #1 and Northern
Lights—that is, until the advent of OG Kush.
It has the strongest flavor of any cannabis
variety I’ve ever tried. It’s hard to put a finger
on, but once you know the Kush scent, you’ll
never forget it. Not only does it have a strong
flavor, its THC level can be higher than 25
percent, making it one of the strongest strains
in the world.
Hybrids of OG Kush are now almost as
ubiquitous in dispensaries and seed catalogs
as the famous strains of the past are. One
very successful hybrid of OG Kush is Girl
Scout Cookies (OG Kush x Durban Poison),
which packs a punch and has flavor to boot.
An interesting aspect of OG Kush is its
combination of narrow branch angles and
long internodes. The plants have a fairly
stretchy, unique appearance, which in veg
will not strike experienced growers as looking
particularly healthy. Although the narrow
crotches are unfavorable for branch strength,
the overall result of the strain’s morphology
is that a lot of light reaches the bottom of the
canopy, so the plants tend to produce top
quality even at the base of branches. This
allows for tighter plant spacing than other
strains, which, when judiciously paired with
A healthy
mother plant