The Embassy team is made up of legend-
ary rippers and young chargers who con-
tinue to leave their mark across the country.
I met Lee, official overload of Embassy Skate-
boards, through one of his veteran team rid-
ers, Pat. Pat’s a legendary skater and cannabis
cultivator who I recently photographed blast-
ing airs while smoking a huge joint on a half-
pipe in Northern California. Lee was stoked by
the shots and invited me down to Los Angeles
to check out the big contest and meet the rest of the team. The Vans Pool Party contest
was something to see, but I didn’t travel 400 miles just to enjoy a free show. I was there
to get some shots for High Times, so, for me, the real action started the next day, when
Embassy Skateboards hosted its own cannabis-friendly pool party at the Basic Bowl in
Huntington Beach—Southern California’s surf/skate mecca.
Unlike in California, the cannabis laws in Texas are notoriously strict. As of this writing,
the only Texans who may legally use cannabis are those with a medical recommendation
who suffer from intractable epilepsy. Even then, they’re relegated to using low-THC oil.
This makes it against the law for the vast majority of Texans to use cannabis medicinally.
Of course, legal recreational use is out of the question.
The rest of Embassy’s team also hail from areas with some of the harshest cannabis
laws in the country, like Florida, where getting caught with less than an ounce of weed can
have you facing a felony charge and five years in prison, or Virginia, where possession of
over half an ounce can result in up to 10 years in jail. Obviously, the team was stoked to
visit a state with sensible recreational and medical laws on the books.
Colin blasts
around the bowl
as Uncle Pat
readies his stash
to keep the ses-
sion flowing.
Embassy’s team hail from
areas with some of the
harshest cannabis laws
in the country... Obviously,
the team was stoked to
visit a state with sensible
recreational and medical
laws on the books.
Lee kept the
party going
the day.