Bloomberg Markets - 08.2019 - 09.2019

(Tuis.) #1
To compare issuance
by currency, click here
and select Currency.

Euros accounted for
51% of all issuance in
the first half.

The market continued
to expand in the first
half of the year.

Select Issuer to
analyze sellers of
green bonds.

The Top Party
section shows the
largest issuer during
the selected period.

Click here to track
market history.

Click here and select
Breakdown to slice
and dice issuance.

Fig. 1 For league tables of global green bonds issued by corporations
and governments, run {LEAG @GLBGRNBD <GO>}.

Fig. 2 The Analysis tab of LEAG lets you analyze the selected league table deals
aggregated by sector, country of risk, currency, or rating.

Batty is a Functions for the Market editor in London.

45% in the first half, global sales of corporate bonds rose 7.6%, to
a total $1.3 trillion.
Investor demand for green bonds has spurred more
companies to enter the hot market. That, in turn, has raised
concerns among investors that some green bonds may not be
truly green. To clarify, industry associations have developed sets
of principles for green bonds. Run {LEAG } and click All
Official Bond & Note Tables again. Then choose Global Green Bond
Principles. Change the Role to Issuer, the Period to Half Year, and
click the History tab. In the first half, $79.7 billion of issuance would
be classified as green bonds under the International Capital Market
Association’s Green Bond Principles. That’s equivalent to about
80% of all green bonds issued in the period.

THE SUSTAINABLE FINANCE market, including green bonds and
loans among other instruments, has come of age, according to
BloombergNEF’s lead analyst, Daniel Shurey. “What started off as
a niche corner of clean energy financing has played a major role in
the growth of environment, social, and governance investing,” he
says. To see BloombergNEF’s analysis and forecasts for the sus-
tainable finance market, type “BNEF” in the command line of a
Bloomberg terminal and hit <GO>. Search for “green bonds” in the
amber box to see all research on this corner of the debt market.
Click the Sustainable Finance box in the Themes section.
—With Roberta Sgariglia and Jonathan Gardiner

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