Metro Australia – July 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

(^1) RichardDyer,NowYouSeeIt: StudiesonLesbianandGay
Film, 2nd edn, Routledge,London& New York, 2003,p. 223.
(^2) AppearinginWitchesandFaggots,DykesandPoofters.
(^3) ‘MardiGras ParadeMarchesFearlesslyinto the Future’,media
release,SydneyGay and LesbianMardiGras,3 March2019,
, accessed30 May 2019.
(^4) Citedin ‘Kylie Minogue’sSurpriseAppearanceat “Fearless”Mardi
Gras Paradein Sydney’,, 3 March2019,https://
, accessed30 May 2019.
(^5) DavidMarr, quotedin ‘SydneyMardiGras:NSWPoliceApologise
over “78er”Arrestsand Bashings’,ABCNews, 4 March2016,
, accessed30 May 2019.
(^6) SandiBanks,quotedin ‘SydneyMardiGras: NSW Police Apologise
over “78er”Arrestsand Bashings’,ibid.
(^7) Whilethe film cites the numberof arrestsas 184, modern-daysources
put the figureat 178; see, for example,ShannonVerhagen,‘A History
of Sydney’sMardiGras’,AustralianGeographic, 17 June 2016,https://
, accessed30 May 2019.
(^8) ScottMcKinnon,‘Witches,Faggots,DykesandPoofters’, in James
E Bennett& RebeccaBeirne(eds),MakingFilmandTelevision
Histories:AustraliaandNewZealand, I.B.Taurisand Co., London
& New York, 2011,p. 225. This essay preserves McKinnon’s
formattingof the film’s title.
(^9) See GarryWotherspoon,‘Gay and LesbianMardiGras’,Dictionary
of Sydney, 2008,
, accessed30 May 2019.
(^10) DigbyDuncan,emailinterview with author, 2 May 2019.
(^11) Wotherspoon,op. cit.
(^12) See MichelleBrown,‘SydneyGay and LesbianMardiGras 78er
Ron AustinDies Aged90’,ABCNews, 14 April 2019,https://
, accessed30 May 2019.
(^13) Duncan, email interview with author, op. cit.
(^14) Marr, quotedin ‘SydneyMardiGras:NSW Police Apologise over
“78er”Arrestsand Bashings’,op. cit.
(^15) Citedin ACON,In Pursuitof Truth& Justice:DocumentingGayand
TransgenderPrejudiceKillingsin NSWin theLate20thCentury,
Surry Hills, 2018,p. 31, availableat
, accessed 30 May 2019.
(^16) ibid., p. 20.
(^17) PhillipAdams,‘Boysin Blue’,TheAge, 9 April 1975,p. 8.
(^18) GrahamCarbery,TowardsHomosexualEqualityin Australian
CriminalLaw– a BriefHistory’, rev. edn, AustralianLesbian& Gay
Archives,Melbourne,2014,p. 11, availableat http://www.alga.
, accessed April 1 2019.
(^19) ibid., p. 12.
(^20) Adams,op. cit., p. 8.
(^21) ACON,op. cit., p. 11.
(^22) See ‘Ben Winsor,‘A DefinitiveTimelineof LGBT+Rightsin Australia’,
SBSSexuality, 12 August2016,
, accessed30 May 2019.
(^23) McKinnon,op. cit., pp. 225, 227.
(^24) RicardoPeach,‘QueerCinemaas a Fifth Cinemain SouthAfrica
and Australia’,PhD thesis, University of Technology Sydney, 2005,
pp. 212–3.
(^25) Duncan, email interview with author, op. cit.
(^26) ibid.
(^27) SamanthaSearle,Queer-ingtheScreen:SexualityandAustralian
FilmandTelevision,The Moving Image series, no. 5, ATOM,
St Kilda,Vic., 1997,p. 7.
(^28) B RubyRich, ‘Collision,Catastrophe,Celebration:The Relationship
BetweenGay and LesbianFilm Festivalsand Their Publics’,GLQ:
A Journalof Gay and Lesbian Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, 1999, pp. 83–4.
(^29) Carbery,op. cit., p. 3.
(^30) DigbyDuncan,interview with Tina Kaufman,Filmnews, vol. 10,
no. 6, June 1980.
(^31) RebeccaBeirne,‘Screeningthe Dykesof Oz: LesbianRepresentation
on AustralianTelevision’,in Sara E Cooper(ed.),LesbianImages
in InternationalPopularCulture, Routledge,London, 2010.
(^32) Duncan, email interview with author, op. cit.
(^33) ibid.
(^34) See, for example,Livia Albeck-Ripka,‘In SomeAustralianSchools,
TeachersCan Be Firedfor BeingGay’,TheNewYorkTimes,
18 October2018,
, accessed30 May 2019.
(^35) See EmmaReynolds,‘MythsAroundSafe Schoolsand Same-
sex MarriagesDebunked’,, 20 September2017,
, accessed30 May 2019.
(^36) Kelli McGraw& Lisa van Leent,‘TextualConstraints:Queering
the SeniorEnglishText List in the AustralianCurriculum’,English
in Australia, vol. 53, no. 2, 2018,p. 28, availableat https://www.
, accessed30 May 2019.
(^37) Ben Winsor,‘A SordidHistoryof the Gay PanicDefencein Australia’,
SBSSexuality, 12 August2016,
, accessed30 May 2019.
(^38) LaurenceBarber,‘SouthAustraliato FinallyScrap“Gay Panic”
Defenceby the End of the Year’,StarObserver, 9 April 2019,
, accessed30 May 2019.
(^39) Tony Crandell,quotedin ‘SydneyMardiGras:NSWPolice
Apologise over “78er” Arrests and Bashings’, op. cit.
Select bibliography
ACON,In Pursuitof Truth & Justice:DocumentingGay and
TransgenderPrejudiceKillingsin NSW in the Late 20th
Century, Surry Hills, 2018, availableat https://www.acon.
GrahamCarbery,TowardsHomosexualEqualityin Australian
CriminalLaw – a Brief History’, rev.edn,AustralianLesbian
& Gay Archives,Melbourne,2014, availableat http://www.
RichardDyer,Now You See It: Studieson Lesbianand Gay Film,
2ndedn,Routledge,London& NewYork,2003.
Tina Kaufman,interviewwith Digby Duncan,Filmnews, vol. 10,
no. 6, June 1980.
Scott McKinnon,‘Witches,Faggots,Dykesand Poofters’,
in JamesE Bennett& RebeccaBeirne(eds),Making
Film and TelevisionHistories:Australiaand New Zealand,
I.B.Taurisand Co., London& New York, 2011.
RicardoPeach,‘QueerCinemaasa FifthCinemain SouthAfrica
andAustralia’,PhDthesis,Universityof TechnologySydney,2005.
SamanthaSearle,Queer­ing the Screen:Sexualityand Australian
Film and Television,The Moving Image series, no. 5, ATOM,
St Kilda, Vic., 1997.
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