frankie Magazine – September-October 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

I chose to draw the phrase ‘pullyourheadin’.AutumninMelbournemarks the beginning of many frosty
mornings and cold days – thispieceofslangimmediatelyspoketome,because on particularly icy days
I have been literally pulling myheadintomyscarforjumperandpullingmy beanie down to block out
the cold. It feels like a very Australiankindofphraseandsentimenttome– the idea of not drawing much
attention to yourself, mindingyourownbusiness,makingsureyoudon’tstand out and cause a scene.
It seems to sit alongside the phrase‘tallpoppysyndrome’andgohandinhand with the Australian urge
to ‘not get too big for your boots’(touseanothersayingwe’reprettyfond of). I loved creating all the
pattern and colour in this woman’soutfit.Iwantthatcoatformyself!Ialso liked the idea of depicting
a strong and bold female figurewholookslikeshewouldnever‘pullherhead in’ in the slang sense, only
the literal one. My favourite pieceofAussieslangwouldbe‘bangin’likeadunny door in a thunderstorm’
because it’s about as poeticallyAustralianasitgets.IfIhadtomake up my own, it would be
‘one smashed avo shortofahousingdeposit’.Translation:you’realmost there (kind of).


pull your head in

pretty pictures
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