Architect Middle East – August 2019

(Marcin) #1
Q&A with Samer Touqan
Projects director
Dewan Architects + Engineers

How does the UAE hope to implement further accessi-
bility measures? To start with, the UAE dedicates a part of
its online portal to act as a “one stop shop”, linking all services
currently available through the various government depart-
ments for People of Determination. This portal links to all its
essential services such as healthcare, social assistance, em-
ployment, rehabilitation, transport and many others. Public
transport is also gradually adapting to the mobility needs of
individuals of disability. However, the built environment re-
mains tangibly lagging behind as far as accessibility require-
ments. The transformation of cities, urban spaces and build-
ings is usually a time consuming and costly process that calls
for national mechanisms to be put in place to motivate such

Has there been any implementation of accessibility
measures in upcoming architectural projects? As far as
we can notice, a shy and incomplete implementation of the
newly published accessibility codes is currently practised;
however, this should mean that the upcoming generation of
buildings is expected to be more recognisant of accessibility
Public spaces in particular are lagging behind as their de-
sign is usually commissioned by developers whose attention
towards the requirements of accessibility are often overshad-
owed by other commercial and visual considerations.
The construction permitting system also does not have a
specific division dealing with rehabilitation/refurbishment
projects for existing structures and open spaces; neither is
there a review panel to periodically test code compliance of
existing facilities during their operations. As such, existing
structures could remain in service for a long time without
having to pass new reviews of their design compliance with
prevailing new codes. It is hence expected that existing struc-
tures may take much longer to catch up with the code re-
quirements for accessibility.

ramped up its mission to become an inclusive, barrier-
free society with the National Strategy to Empower
People with Disabilities.
The strategy included the ‘My Community Dubai’ pro-
gramme, the Dubai Universal Design Code and the inau-
guration of the term ‘People of Determination’, which was
employed to stimulate a new set of legislations, codes and
mechanisms on ground, as well as online to improve the
experience of the urban realm and encourage engagement
with society for all.
Introduced by HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al
Maktoum, the Dubai Universal Design Code sets out how
new buildings should be designed so that they can be ac-
cessed, understood and used to the greatest extent pos-
sible by all people, regardless of their age, size or level of
ability. The environment and any building, product or
service in that environment, should be designed to meet
the needs of all people who wish to use it. The code also
applies to existing buildings and infrastructure, which

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