Business Traveller India – August 2019

(Ron) #1


When it comes to getting my work out to a mass
audience, social media is my best friend. It can be
incredibly powerful. However, you can’t just upload a
photo and expect thousands of people to respond and
know you’re there. To grow my business, I’ve put my
work in front of people physically at lots of markets and
shows. It’s important to have confidence, know your
product and how to sell it. Leave your customer wanting
more, and in turn, they’ll follow your social channels.
I love sharing drawing videos and beautifully styled
photos of my dot work in homes. It shows what I’m
about as an artist, and also as a small business.

  • Donna Taylor, Dots By Donna


Hire people who can do things better than you, because,
let’s face it: you can’t do everything! We have a team of
fi ve working at our Brisbane HQ, and just over 30 external
executives across Australia and the United States. As the
director, my role involves overseeing all the moving parts
of the business; supporting sales and marketing; and
product design, given my industry background. To make
sure everything runs like a Swiss watch, we technically
operate in two divisions: those who use the left side of their
brain (aka analytical number wizards) and the creative
right-siders. Establishing these complementary pillars
ensures the business is continually moving forward.

  • Ellen Powell, Blushing Confetti


We have two of our own stores in Sydney, plus
250 stockists scattered around the country (oh,
and some overseas, too!). We’ve always been very
selective with our stockists. We want our products
in places people can walk in and feel at home, or
have a cosy chat with the store owner. This helps
us reach the right customers! We find it’s more
powerful to nurture a select few stockists – the
right mix of stores means we can share our
love of letterpress with a wider audience.

  • Alischa Herrmann, Bespoke Letterpress

Sustainability is a responsibility, not a choice – this
sometimes overwhelms me as a small business owner.
It’s easy to think you’re not doing enough. The reality
of a small business is you need to balance limited cash
flow with important environmental decisions. I find
making a list of short-term and long-term goals helps.
Short-term goals can be things like eco-friendly toilet
paper, bins for staff to compost and recycle, and energy
conservation. Long-term, more expensive choices could
be adopting completely plastic-free packaging or trialling
new technologies. Celebrate each win and tackle each
setback with curiosity, because determination can get
you everywhere. You can do this!

  • Peta O’Neill, Love Mae

We chatted with these small
business stars in collaboration with
Xero, online accounting software
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