Reader’s Digest Canada – September 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
BY Anna-Kaisa Walker
illustration by clayton hanmer

What You Should

Know About

Buying Insurance


Know your policy.
Don’t wait until
disaster strikes to find
out what you are and
aren’t covered for.


Many home insur-
ance policies have
exclusions and limits.
“A standard policy may
cover water damage
from a burst pipe but
not an overland flood,”
says Pete Karageorgos,
director of consumer
and industry relations
at the Insurance Board
of Canada.


Insurance brokers
work on commis-
sion and might even be
getting kickbacks for
selling you products. Ask
them what their com-
pensation model is—
they’re legally required
to disclose commission
rates. “If you have a con-
cern, contact the regula-
tory body in your prov-
ince,” says Karageorgos.


Before you sign a
contract, consult
the Canadian Legal
Information Institute
( to see if any

reader’s digest

16 september 2019


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