Reader’s Digest Canada – September 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
might have fallen into the gully. Injured,
she likely would have walked downhill
until she collapsed. Flying above tree
level, Gray saw nothing but a sea of
green. Then he had another idea: Jean
would need water. He studied the ter-
rain. Far away, he spotted a creek. The
pilot made two passes. Nothing.
Wait—Gray thought he saw something
move. He asked the pilot to circle back.
Then Gray saw a dog—and then a
silver-haired woman waving at the
chopper. He radioed the team, giving
new instructions. From a distance, he
watched searchers running to the
woman. He saw them hug her.

AFTER SIX DAYS in the woods, Jean was
too weak to walk out on her own. Gray
called in a larger Coast Guard helicop-
ter, one that could hoist her up into the
chopper in a basket, while the ground
crew carried Yoda out.

Doctors at the hospital were stunned
that Jean’s only injuries were scratches
on her legs. Tests showed her potas-
sium was low from eating next to noth-
ing for nearly a week. Quite surpris-
ingly, Jean was released that very night
with only a prescription for potassium
tablets—which she chased down with
a bowl of cherries.
As rescuers discussed the search, they
talked about the crucial role the urn
played. Without it, they would never
have found Jean. Gray is convinced that
Jack Geer’s spirit protected her.
Jean doesn’t doubt it. But also, the
woman who once questioned her will
to go on without her husband had
found the wherewithal to survive. And
with that came a life-affirming conclu-
sion. “It’s time to let go and let [my] own
light shine, and stand up,” she told a
local paper. “I realized I had to be on
my own and move on to my life.”

Friend, Indeed
One measure of friendship consists not in the number
of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things
they need no longer mention.

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says
to another: “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until
they arrive. It is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

reader’s digest

46 september 2019

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