Reader’s Digest Canada – September 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Bonnie Kintzer president and chief executive officer
Raimo Moysa editor-in-chief, international magazines

VOL. 195, NO. 1,162 Copyright © 2019 by Reader’s Digest Magazines
Canada Limited. Reproduction in any manner in whole or in part in
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We acknowledge
with gratitude the
financial support of
the Government of Canada. / Nous remercions le
Gouvernement du Canada pour son appui financier.

Reader’s Digest publishes 10 issues per year and may
occasionally publish special issues (special issues
count as two)‚ subject to change without notice.

contributors: Roger Aziz, Cassie Barradas, Nathaniel
Basen, Julia Belluz, Lisa Bendall, Sabrina Chianelli,
Thomas Dagg, Sue Dohrin, Jonathan Dyck, Thomas
Fricke, Danielle Groen, Matthew Halliday, Tom Hallman Jr.,
Clayton Hanmer, Roderick Kimball, Jennifer Knoch, Stacy
Lee Kong, Erin McCluskey, Kaley McKean, Brother Merle,
Alanna Mitchell, Zachary Monteiro, Kevin Moran, Barb
Olson, Christina Palassio, Paul Paquet, Catherine Porter,
Carlo Ricci, Darren Rigby, Elizabeth Rosen, Julie Saindon,
Fraser Simpson, Courtney Shea, Mike Shiell, Beth
Shillibeer, Lauren Tamaki, Conan de Vries, Anna-Kaisa
Walker, Jeff Widderich, Victor Wong

art director John Montgomery
associate art director Danielle Sayer
graphic designer Pierre Loranger
content operations
manager Lisa Pigeon
circulation director Edward Birkett

executive editor Stéphanie Verge
executive editor, digital Brett Walther

senior editor Micah Toub
associate editor Megan Jones
assistant editor, digital Robert Liwanag

contributing editor Samantha Rideout
intern Erika Morris
proofreader Katie Moore
senior researcher Lucy Uprichard
researchers Martha Beach, Alyssa
Favreau, Matthew Halliday,
Tessa Liem, Nicole
Schmidt, Leslie Sponder,
Koralie Woodward,
Mehanaz Yakub
copy editors Chad Fraser, Amy
Harkness, Richard Johnson

Christopher Dornan chairman of the board
Dominique Ritter editor-in-chief


Brian Kennedy president (^) | Barbara Robins legal (^) | Corinne Hazan financial director
Mirella Liberatore product manager, magazine marketing
national sales director James Anderson
national account executives Suzanne Farago (Montreal),
Robert Shaw (Vancouver), Melissa Silverberg (Toronto)
marketing and research director Kelly Hobson
head of marketing solutions and new product development Melissa Williams
senior project manager Meri Ward
production manager Lisa Snow
121 Bloor St. E.
Suite 430
Toronto, ON
M4W 3M 5 5

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