Extreme How-To – September 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
Derby Building Products’
TandoStone, the number one
brand of composite stone,
features realistic design,
proprietary technology, easy
installation, moisture resistance,
and an expansive color pallet.
TandoStone’s new TruGrit technol-
ogy offers a unique matte texture
that gives each panel a realistic
low-gloss appearance and the
rough, gritty feel of real stone.
It takes TandoStone to a new
level of realism in looks and tex-
ture. Impervious to moisture,
TandoStone is perfect for ground-
level installations in any climate
and complements a wide range
of siding materials for on-trend
mixed material looks. Without the
need for special tools or heavy
equipment, it’s also safer and
easier to install as an accent
on taller walls. TandoStone is
available in two styles: Stacked
Stone which features a dry -stack
profile without grout lines
between the stones and Creek
Ledgestone which emulates the
rugged look of hand-picked stone
with grout. Visit http://www.tandobp.com
or booth 751.

Royal Building Products is
a leading manufacturer and dis-
tributor of high-quality exterior
cladding, trim, moulding and
decking that deliver long-lasting,
low-maintenance curb appeal
through high-performing, sustain-
able, energy-saving products. A
category leader in innovation,
Royal is recognized for brand
introductions like Celect Cellular
Composite Exteriors, Zuri Premium
Decking, CraneBoard Solid CoRe

Siding, Royal S4S and SurEdge trim
and home design tool innovations
like Dream Designer, HomePlay
and HomePlay Prime. Visit
or booth 405.

Earlier this year, Environmental
Stoneworks, the only manufacturer
and installer of stone veneer in
the country, completed its largest
product launch in company histo-
ry. Among the introductions are
Barn Wood, featuring stunning

wood-carved looking profiles
molded from antebellum Virginia
tobacco barns, combining a rustic
feel with contemporary charm.
The Ripiano offering gives a fresh
new look to ledgestone through the
incorporation of smaller, thinner

22 ExtremeHowTo.com

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