Publishers Weekly – August 05, 2019

(Barré) #1

Digital Solutions in India 2019


Cenveo Publisher Services
Cenveo Learning, which provides unified digital solutions for
publishers and corporate learning programs, was launched in
March. Employing a team of learning professionals with deep
experience in instructional systems, as well as visual and tech-
nical design, Cenveo Learning bundles educational talent with
corporate learning capabilities into a robust end-to-end
Available across devices
and platforms, Cenveo
Learning solutions include
adaptive micro-learning
modules, full-length
courses, assessment and
certification products,
gamification, animated and
live action interactive
videos, and simulations.
“We have long worked with
publishers, schools, col-
leges, and universities
worldwide on learner-cen-
tric, 21st-century solutions
for math, ELA, science, social sciences, and other disciplines,”
president Atul Goel says. “Corporate learning and develop-
ment programs will benefit from the application of these core
principles to training modules delivered via evolving tech-
niques and systems, including VR and AR, responsive design,
rapid development, blended learning, LMS development,
managed services, and consulting.”
Rajeev Barowalla, v-p of learning, says, “Cenveo is excited
to implement the skills and best practices to improve work-
place performance while we continue to create curriculum-
aligned and immersive educational experiences. Following our
proven approach of combining standards-based instruction
with interactive environments, we are confident that we can
transform mundane training materials into engaging and
effective learning across markets.”
As for Smart Suite, Cenveo’s cloud-based ecosystem of
publishing tools, many new features have been added to
make it even smarter. A total of four modules make up
the platform: Smart Edit (for pre-editing, copyediting,
and conversions), Smart Compose (the production engine),
Smart Proof (for capturing edits while allowing valid
XML round tripping), and Smart Track (which has an easy
user interface that logs all content transactions).
“Real-time reporting and validations are now a part of
the workflow,” Goel says, adding that one of the latest
features includes the fully automated issue-production
process. “It cuts down the issue compilation and delivery
process to a few minutes from the time the issue-lineup
information is received.” Cover processing has also been
fully automated. As for the new Smart Reporting feature,

customer-driven information such as metadata, stylesheets,
and typographic rules are now validated against the process
and reported as a proof of compliance.
“Smart Suite 2.0 is an integrated end-to-end workflow that
significantly reduces manual intervention while achieving the
goal of high-speed publishing with editorial excellence,” Goel

Both large and small publishers have successfully adopted
XEditPro Publishing Suite, DiacriTech’s unified editorial and
production platform. Now in its third iteration, the platform
provides full support for multilingual interfaces and content,
and it has a changeable theme.
Enhancements to the platform are many. The security fea-
ture, for instance, includes IP-based restrictions for user access
and limits those users to the operations they are authorized to
perform. The project dashboard, meanwhile, can now monitor
project performance at a much more granular level, especially
for larger projects with multiple milestones. “An audit trail
or log is maintained for all events occurring during the stages
of publishing,” explains executive v-p Mahesh Balakrishnan,
whose team has added citation autolinking for edited book
references to the already available chapter- and article-end
reference link. The brand new UI/UX is an enhancement to
the previous Word-like editing interface.
“XEditPro version three presents a stable and more respon-
sive platform that has faster rendering of print and web PDF,
HTML, XML, ePub, and Word at any stage of the production
process,” Balakrishnan adds.
ImmersiveGaze, DiacriTech’s product for the AR/VR/MR
realm, is also evolving as a solution for distraction-free headset-
based immersive-learning techniques. “New generations of
schoolkids mostly have access to smartphones and devices, and
so we are creating content and storyboards that have an MR
angle,” says executive v-p A.R.M. Gopinath, whose team has
developed a series of biology concepts for a multinational

Mahesh Balakrishnan (l.) and A.R.M. Gopinath of DiacriTech

Atul Goel, president of Cenveo
Publisher Services
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