CHARGED Electric Vehicles Magazine – July-August 2019

(Michael S) #1


Mayors from 127 cities commit

to purchase over 2,100 EVs by



Virginia governor pledges over

$12 million for electric buses

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has pledged more
than $12 million towards the deployment of electric
buses in the cities of Alexandria, Blacksburg, and Hamp-
ton Roads. The funding will cover a total of 17 electric
buses and charging stations, eliminating the need for an
estimated two million gallons of diesel fuel and offsetting
612,000 tons of carbon emissions and 129,000 pounds
of nitrogen oxide emissions, according to the Governor’s
The funding amount includes nearly $9 million from
the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust, and
$3.5 million from a statewide transit capital program.

The funds will be allocated approximately as follows:

  • $5.1 million to Alexandria (DASH) for six bat-
    tery-electric transit buses and fast chargers

  • $3.3 million to Blacksburg Transit for five buses and

  • $3.9 million to Hampton Roads Transit for six buses
    and chargers

In August, Virginia awarded about $14 million to
EVgo to develop a statewide public EV charging net-
“Electric buses are a key component of Virginia’s
strategy to address the climate crisis, reduce air pollution
in our communities, and drive innovation across the
Commonwealth,” said Governor Northam.
“This investment in high-efficiency vehicles raises the
profile of transit as a smart, environmentally sustainable
travel choice, and helps power a 21st-century multimod-
al transportation system that is the platform for Virgin-
ia’s economy,” said Virginia Secretary of Transportation
Shannon Valentine.

Mayors from 127 cities
joined the Climate
Mayors EV Purchasing
Collaborative during
the recent Climate
Mayors Summit in Ho-
nolulu, and committed
to purchasing more
than 2,100 EVs by

  1. To assist in the transition towards electric school
    buses, the Collaborative announced it will make a com-
    petitive bid on electric school buses by the end of 2019,
    enabling public school systems with smaller budgets to
    procure e-buses at competitive prices.
    The Collaborative, which was launched in 2018, is a
    partnership between Climate Mayors, the Electrification
    Coalition, and Sourcewell. Its mission is to give cities
    access to competitively-priced EVs and charging infra-
    structure, as well as reduced-cost leasing options through
    state and federal tax credits.
    “The clean transportation revolution is not a distant
    vision for the far-off future,” said current Los Angeles
    Mayor and Climate Mayors Co-Chair Eric Garcetti.
    “It’s a reality hitting the streets of Los Angeles and cities
    around the world. By pooling our purchasing power,
    Climate Mayors are sending a powerful message to the
    global car market: if you build electric vehicles, we will
    buy them.”
    “Cities across the country are demonstrating critical
    leadership by committing to transition their fleets to
    electrification, reducing our dependence on oil, while
    improving our nation’s health, and our economic and
    national security,” said Electrification Coalition VP Ben
    Prochazka. “We hope other mayors around the country
    will see this as a call to action and plug their fleets into
    the Climate Mayors EV Purchasing Collaborative.”

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