CHARGED Electric Vehicles Magazine – July-August 2019

(Michael S) #1

JUL/AUG 2019 59

and in general it’s easy to get in and figure out. Both
the LEAF and the Bolt take a bit more time to get used
to, while the Niro EV works like any other Kia: pre-
dictably and well.
The Kia Niro EV is no Tesla. But it’s not meant to be.
It’s a smart, attractive, practical, long-range compact
electric hatchback. And it has just enough crossover
design cues that your neighbors won’t think it’s a nerdy

The cons
We found a few minor quirks with the electric Niro. All
are peculiarities that can easily be learned by owners,
but are different from other vehicles.
One issue was the need to make sure the car was
switched off completely, or “asleep,” before hitting the
unlock button on the key fob to release the charging
cable. Want to power up the car and get in, then remove
your cable? No such luck, as far as we could tell.
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