Spotlight - 10.2019

(coco) #1

72 Spotlight 10/2019 THE LIGHTER SIDE


Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz

apparently [E(pÄrEntli]
, anscheinend
bartender [(bA:)tendE]
, Barkeeper(in)
haunted: sth. is ~ [(hO:ntId]
, in etw. spukt es
housemate [(haUsmeIt]
, Mitbewohner(in)
news coverage
[(nju:z )kVvErIdZ]
, Nachrichtenbericht­

SPF (sun protection factor)
[(sVn prE)tekS&n )fÄktE]
, Lichtschutzfaktor
steaks: the ~ are too high
, die Steaks hängen zu hoch;
Wortspiel zu: the stakes are
too high: es steht zu viel auf
dem Spiel

Not a ghost
of a chance
My housemates
are convinced
that our house is
haunted. I just don’t
understand it. I’ve
lived here for 273
years, and I’ve never
noticed anything

Hot stuff
I hate those people
who knock on your
door and tell you
that you need to
be “saved”, or else
you’ll “burn”. Stupid

Meat and greet
A man walks into a bar and sees meat hanging from the ceiling. He asks
the bartender, “Why is all this meat hanging here?”
The bartender says, “Well, we’ve got a bet going. If you can jump and
hit any of those pieces of meat, you get your drinks paid for all evening.
If you miss, though, you have to pay for everyone else’s drinks.” Then the
bartender asks, “How about you? Do you want to give it a try?”
The man replies, “I don’t think so. The steaks are too high.”

The Argyle Sweater

by Scott Hilburn

Bad language
My son is in the first grade. Yesterday,
I picked him up from school, and he imme-
diately asked, “Mommy, is ‘hell’ a bad word?”
So I told him, “Yes, ‘hell’ is a bad word. You
shouldn’t say it anywhere, OK?” He agreed
not to say it, but then he had another ques-
tion: “Mommy, ‘hello’ isn’t a bad word,
right?” I had to explain to him that “hell” and
“hello” are two different words with com-
pletely different meanings. Well, today I got
a call from his teacher saying she needed to
have a conversation with me about my son’s
language. Apparently, he won’t stop saying

Silly social media

  • Ladies, if there’s a man who remem-
    bers your birthday, knows what you
    enjoy and understands your friends
    and family, it’s Mark Zuckerberg.

  • Twitter: the only place you get excited
    when a stranger follows you.

  • How much does a hipster weigh?
    An insta-gram.

“It’s not the world
that’s got so much worse,
but the news coverage
that’s got so much better.”
G. K. Chesterton (1874–1936), English journalist and poet

Cartoons: © 2019 Scott Hilburn/Distributed by Universal Uclick/Bulls Press; © 2019 PEANUTS Worldwide LLC, Dist. by Universal Uclick/Bulls Press; Illustration: wektorygrafika/
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