Spotlight - 10.2019

(coco) #1

8 Spotlight 10/2019 IN THE SPOTLIGHT

Fotos: imago/Gallo Images; Uwe Deffner/Alamy Stock Photo; iStockphoto/

The state system of apartheid, which discriminated against non-
white people, ended in South Africa in the early 1990s. Racism,
though, continues to exist. This is something Mmusi Maimane,
leader of the opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA),
is working to change. In a speech at the Apartheid Museum in
Johannesburg, Maimane made it clear, “Racists are not wel-
come in the DA. If you are thinking of voting for the DA and
you are a racist, please do not vote for us.”
Maimane grew up in Soweto, Johannesburg, a place where
Nelson Mandela lived for many years, and was in his early teens when
Mandela helped finally to end apartheid. Maimane gained three degrees, in-
cluding one in theology, and began his political career when he was in his late twenties.
He joined the DA in 2009 and became its first black leader just six years later.
The African National Congress (ANC) has been the governing party in South
Africa since 1994, but it has been accused of corruption in recent years. Traditionally,
it was seen as the party for black people, while the DA was the party for white people.
Maimane, 39, however, wants to end the ANC’s rule and make the DA a party for all
South Africans. “Change is uncomfortable,” he told the BBC, “but we need it.”


Mmusi Maimane?

Should the huge statue in the British
Museum taken from Easter Island by the
Royal Navy 150 years ago now be sent
home? Representatives of Rapa Nui, as
inhabitants call the island, and of Chile,
to which the island belongs, support this.
Recently, though, talks about this statue
and the many others still on the island
have taken on more nuanced dimensions.
This summer, a group from the Brit-
ish Museum visited the remote island
3,500 kilometres from the coast of Chile
to discuss the 1,000 other such works.
The stone “ancestors” (moai) are located
at various sites outdoors, exposed to the
elements. Experts say that the figures,
created by the aboriginal Polynesians

between AD
1000 and 1500,
are rapidly de-
teriorating in
the weather.
Once they are
gone, things may change for Easter Island.
“You have to think about the con-
text. A lot of people see [the moai] at the
British Museum — it is the face of Rapa
Nui abroad,” archaeologist Sonia Haoa
told The Guardian. “We rely entirely on
tourism, which is brought here by our
history and archaeology. ... We can’t think
about the present or political gain — if the
moai turn to dust then there’s nothing else

ancestor [(ÄnsestE]
, Vorfahr(in)
, verfallen

entirely [In(taIEli]
, völlig, komplett
exposed [Ik(spEUzd]
, preisgegeben,

gain [geIn]
, Gewinn, Vorteil
nuanced [(nju:A:nst]
, nuanciert, differenziert

remote [ri(mEUt]
, entlegen, abgelegen

bark [bA:k]
, Rinde
cinchona tree
[sIN(kEUnE tri:]
, Chininbaum
demand [di(mA:nd]
, Nachfrage
derive [di(raIv]
, erlangen, gewinnen

extract [Ik(strÄkt]
, gewinnen, extra-
quinine [kwI(ni:n]
, Chinin
seek [si:k]
, hier: sich begeben


Facing the future

Texts by Talitha Linehan and Claudine Weber-Hof

accuse [E(kju:z]
, beschuldigen,
be zichtigen

degree [di(gri:]
, Diplom, Abschluss


No cure for

the Congo

Despite attractions such as the active
volcanoes and rare gorillas of Virunga
National Park, the Democratic Re-
public of Congo (DRC) is regarded
by many travellers as being far too
dangerous to visit. For its inhabitants,
the Central African country has long
been a politically turbulent and deadly
place to live. One example of how its
rich natural resources are tragically
mismanaged is quinine, the substance
that gives tonic water its bitter taste.
An anti-malaria medicine derived
from the bark of the cinchona tree,
quinine is produced in two pro vinces
in the east of the DRC, reports The
Economist. The region has the planet’s
largest cinchona forests, and one of
only five factories in the world that
extract the medicine from the plant. It
answers a third of the world’s demand
for the substance, making it surprising
that the DRC has the second-highest
number of malaria deaths globally: in
2017, more than 400,000 Congolese
died of the disease. The 21 pills needed
to treat the illness cost $2, a price often
too high for locals, many of whom fail
to recognize the symptoms in time to
seek treatment.
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