Daily Mail - 17.08.2019

(singke) #1

Page 36 Daily Mail, Saturday, August 17, 2019

By Stephen Wright
Associate News Editor

Duke: Outr

Harvey Proctor’s former

boss says if he’d known

truth about sex smears

ex-MP would still be in job

An aristocrat has backed
Harvey Proctor’s £1mil-
lion compensation claim
against police by confirm-
ing the former MP lost his
job and home because of
the bungled VIP child
abuse inquiry.
The Duke of Rutland, 60,
stated that Mr Proctor would
have been fired from his
£40,500-a-year position as his
private secretary if he had
not quit after a police raid on
his grace and favour house.
His official letter forms part of
Mr Proctor’s High Court ‘par-
ticulars of claim’ against the
Metropolitan Police. The ex-
Tory MP lived on the duke’s

Belvoir Castle estate in Leices-
tershire until the Operation
Midland raid in 2015.
The duke wrote: ‘Mr Proctor
had worked for me for over 12
years and he would have been
welcome to continue to work
for me for many years into the
future had Operation Midland
not taken place. There were no
other reasons why Mr Proctor’s

employment with the Belvoir
Estate came to an end.’
The police action took place
after fantasist Carl Beech, 51,
then known as ‘nick’, made a
series of outrageous allegations
against Mr Proctor and other
VIPs, including former prime
minister Ted Heath, ex-home
secretary Leon Brittan and war
hero Lord Bramall. In his

Last round at


island’s pub

LAST orders are being called at
the most remote pub in Britain.
The Puff Inn is on the uninhab-
ited island of Hirta in the St Kilda
archipelago, around 110 miles
west of mainland Scotland.
Now it is to be demolished to
make way for a new Ministry of
Defence base. The Puff Inn
stopped serving tourists amid
security con-
cerns in 2005
but it rem-
ained open
with a clientele
of MoD staff,
ists and con-
struction workers. The pub, two
and a half hours by boat from
the Outer Hebrides, was part of
the missile tracking base built
more than 50 years ago.
St Kilda is owned by the
National Trust for Scotland,
and is home to the UK’s
largest colony of Atlantic puf-
fins. Its last residents left
in 1930. The MoD said: ‘The Puff
Inn is relocating as part of a
new accommodation block to
open this autumn.’

Narcissist: Samantha
Ford with IVF twins
Jake and Chloe. She
drowned them
in a bath

A SPITEFUL mother who

drowned her twin toddlers

to make her estranged hus-

band suffer was jailed for

ten years yesterday.
Samantha Ford, 38, killed 23-
month-old Jake and Chloe in
the bath at their home on Box-
ing Day last year to ruin the life
of her husband Steven.
After she was arrested, she was
desperate to know if Mr Ford was
distressed at the killings of their
IVF children. The Old Bailey heard
that she drowned the twins in the
bath, then placed them in their
beds fully-dressed.
A note on the table said: ‘Please
forgive my crazy mind.’ Ford then
drove to notorious suicide spot
Beachy Head in Sussex.
She was later found slumped in
her car after driving into the back

of a lorry with no seatbelt on. She
told police ‘Just let me die. I killed
my babies. I have had a break-
down. I would never hurt them –
they are my miracle babies.’
The court was told Ford, of Char-
ing, Kent, and her husband split
up after she blamed him for the
loss of their lavish expat lifestyle
in Qatar. The pair had met in 2004
and moved to Qatar in 2008. They
spent most of their ten-year mar-
riage there. The relationship began
to fall apart following their return
to the UK last year and they even-
tually split in november.
Prosecutor Tom Kark QC said
there was evidence Ford was ‘a
materialistic person’ who ‘resented
losing her good lifestyle in Qatar’.
She complained to Mr Ford that
they were ‘destined to be a miser-
able family living in a s***hole’. In

the days leading up to Boxing Day
Ford searched online for ‘drown-
ing children’ and ‘overdosing’.
Mr Ford said in a victim impact
statement: ‘This was the most hei-
nous, spiteful act ... Knowing how
much I loved the children, she
knew it would be the ultimate pun-
ishment for not going back to her.’
Last night Mr Ford hit out at the
jail sentence on Twitter, saying:
‘Time for Boris Johnson to step up
and get a handle on tougher sen-
tencing! Ten years for killing my
son and daughter and probably

only serve five! Justice not served
today. I am devastated, disgusted
and appalled!’
Psychiatrist Dr Muzaffar Hussain
told the court Ford was ‘narcissis-
tic’ and wanted ‘to appear more
severely ill than she is’. Another
psychiatrist, Dr Philip Joseph, said:
‘She was quite fixated about Ste-
ven Ford while in hospital wanting
to know he was suffering as well.’
Ford, who admitted manslaugh-
ter with diminished responsibility,
will be held in a psychiatric unit
until she is deemed fit for prison.

Ten years for mum

who killed twins

to make ex suffer

By Josh White

Chilean Embassy and the Royal
Geographical Society seemed
unable to shed any further light on
whom it actually does belong to.
Nor does Kristyna. ‘I never said
that I owned it personally or that I
was offering that or anything from
my own pocket,’ she says now. ‘It
can be considered a mystery and I’ll
leave it at that. All I can say is that
it’s named Isla Drummond Hay and
it’s a no-brainer really.’
It seems the couple are agreed
that Kristyna is filing for divorce.
‘I am divorcing him for his
infidelity,’ she claims. ‘I am also
considering legal action for some of
the things he has said.’
Asked about her accusations that
he was unfaithful, Michael for his
part said: ‘I actually don’t know
what she is talking about. I just want
to get on with my life.’
In a final twist, Kristyna has also
revealed she’s in a new relationship.
‘I’ve met someone else and though
it is early days, I feel positive.
Michael wants to paint me as being
the bad guy, but I feel like I am the
one who has dodged a bullet.’ Not

everyone will agree. This week
Michael told the Mail that while
Kristyna had been ‘very convincing’
when he first met her he now
believed he had been conned.
‘I believed everything she said at
first,’ he says. ‘I did not realise there
were people like her in the world —
she even created a false family tree
online to convince me about her
background. I started laughing
when I realised she was a fake, but I
feel angry now.
‘She started saying nasty things
about my family, and stressing us all
out — and now she has informed me
she is going to sue me for stress and
trauma saying she is the one who
has been ‘‘catfished’’ (the term for
luring someone into a relationship
using a fictional persona online).
‘I think the reason she began our
relationship was to obtain a visa to
come to the UK. She has wasted my
time and money — and I can’t trust
anybody now.’
It’s a sentiment a world away from
his gushing declarations little more
than six months ago about his
‘amazing’ bride, and a stark illustra-
tion of how quickly this fairytale has
turned into a baffling puzzle.


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