Daily Mail - 17.08.2019

(singke) #1

Page 46 Daily Mail, Saturday, August 17, 2019

British ski


laughed as

he sexually


woman, 22
Fled the scene: Matthew Williams

Danger of the

350,000 tons

of food waste

sent to landfill

MORE than 350,000 tons of food
a year are being dumped in
landfill and emitting harmful
greenhouse gases because of
council collection failures, it
has been claimed.
The Government is consulting
on requiring councils to carry
out weekly food waste collec-
tions by 2023. But environmen-
tal groups and the Co-op super-
market say it is taking too long.
According to Co-op, almost
half of councils in England
refuse to collect food waste,
sending 356,000 tons to landfill.
It says urgent action is needed
to turn the waste into fertiliser
or burn it for energy.
Rotting food produces green-
house gas methane, which is
considered at least 23 times
worse than carbon dioxide.
Some are squeamish about
kerbside food waste collection
because of potential mess
and odours. But Co-op says its
compostable carrier bags –
designed to have a second use
as food waste caddy liners –
could be a solution.
Co-op’s Michael Fletcher said:
‘We are committed in helping
our members and customers
to make environmentally
friendly choices.’

Mail Foreign Service

A British ski instructor

who laughed as he sexually

assaulted a woman and bru-

tally beat the man who tried

to save her has been jailed.
Matthew Williams was sen-
tenced to ten years’ imprison-
ment in Australia yesterday for
attacking a 22-year-old woman
and 25-year-old man in the
early hours of July 5 last year.
the 29-year-old pleaded guilty
to the attack in April. At the time,
police said they believed there
was more than one attacker as the
victims’ injuries were so severe.
Williams was in Australia on a
temporary visa working as a ski-
cross and alpine racing instructor
at the Blue Cow Perisher ski
resort at Jindabyne, in New
south Wales’ snowy Mountains.
the resort’s website listed him as

woman and punched her in the
face several times, knocking her to
the ground. she screamed: ‘What
do you want? Do you want money?
take what you want.’ he then sex-
ually assaulted her, laughing as
she lost consciousness, the syd-
ney Morning herald reported.
she woke up pinned to the
ground by Williams, who once
again punched her before ripping
off her clothing. her male friend
regained consciousness and tried
to intervene, but he was again
kicked into submission.
the assault ended only when a
passing car spooked Williams into

fleeing the scene. the woman suf-
fered severe bruising all over her
body and face, while the man sus-
tained serious injuries, including a
broken nose and eye socket.
Williams left a watch at the
scene, which he originally said had
been stolen. DNA testing also
identified him as the attacker.
he initially denied involvement
in the attack, but in April pleaded
guilty to aggravated sexual assault,
inflicting actual bodily harm with
intent to have sexual intercourse
with another, and possessing a
prohibited drug. three other
assault charges were dropped.

Justice Nicole Noman told the
New south Wales District Court at
Queanbeyan that Williams was
cowardly and violent. ‘[the attack]
must have been horrifying in its
intensity and severity,’ she said.
Williams apologised to the vic-
tims via a letter he presented to
the court. Defence lawyer John
Purnell QC said that Williams’
actions were ‘out of character’,
and had severe consequences for
him as well as his victims.
Williams will be eligible for parole
after seven years and then
deported to the UK upon his
release, the BBC reported.

By Sean Poulter
Consumer Affairs Editor


and violent’

a ‘highly experienced and knowl-
edgeable’ teacher, who had worked
with its snow school since 2014.
the court heard the victims had
been drinking at the Banjo Pater-
son inn in Jindabyne, south of
Canberra, with family and friends

  • where Williams had also been
    drinking. CCtV footage captured
    the moment he pursued the pair
    when they left the pub.
    As they realised they were being
    followed, the 25-year-old male
    tourist noticed Williams and said:
    ‘how’s it going mate?’
    Williams didn’t respond, but
    walked behind the man, touched
    him on the shoulder, then punched
    him in the face and kicked him
    until he fell unconscious.
    Williams then turned on the

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