Daily Mail - 17.08.2019

(singke) #1

Daily Mail, Saturday, August 17, 2019 Page 61

Escape: Short haul

traditional holiday horror of trying
to find a villa in the pitch dark with
inept instructions and a dodgy
map, we spotted a poster for a
production of Verdi’s La Traviata
in the city’s theatre, due to start in
20 minutes.
Like any adventurous Briton
abroad, we made a beeline for the
venue, paid £15 for a ticket — and
found time to scoff free ham rolls,
olives and other snacks with a
glass of non-Sainsbury’s Orvieto
Bianco Superior in the foyer bar.
No evening meal needed.


he rousing performance of
Verdi in the 1866-built Luigi
Mancinelli Theatre (with
frescoes by Cesare Fracas-
sini, no less) gave us the oomph to
find our villa at midnight without
a hitch. Apart, that is, from the
bewildering sight of a porcupine
scuttling along the dark road
behind a badger.
Waking up the next morning to
a view of vineyards, tumbling
ploughed fields, a ruined chapel in
the garden, and a lake and moun-
tains in the distance was special.
The house may have once been a
rundown farmstead which took
five years to renovate, but the high-
tech gadgetry was stupendous.

You know the sort: a dishwasher
with a floor-projected green LeD
spotlight which signals wash com-
pletion; a glass induction cooker
hob (which made our stove at
home seem like a crude Palaeo-
lithic pot) and a sound system to
control the speakers in every room
and poolside via a mobile phone.
Our favourite local restaurant
was Trattoria del Moro Aronne in

Orvieto — the house speciality
starter, nidi di rondine (thick
pasta sheets shaped liked birds’
nests with pecorino cheese and
warm honey), followed by rabbit
with herbs (served by a self-styled
joker-waiter, who placed the dish
on the table with a flourish saying:
‘Now ear’s yore Bugs Bunny!’)
If you insist on cooking your own
food in your villa, make sure you

buy the ingredients from a corner
shop run by one of those classic
granny-types made famous by
movies such as Cinema Paradiso.
Our favourite was Centro Spesa
store in Strada di Stranieri Rosa
Maria in the village of Porano,
where the eightysomething owner
spoons out ricotta cheese as if it
were ambrosial food of the gods.
Sleeping ten people, the villa is

perfect for extended family gath-
erings or groups of friends.
One admission of failure on our
part: the high-spec TV proved too
tricky for us — despite three
remote controls, detailed instruc-
tion manuals and notes on how to
tune into english-language
programmes, we were defeated.
Talking of remote controls, there
was a zapper, too, to operate the
whirlpool spa bath in one of the
bedrooms, which could easily have
accommodated six and still
have room to spare.
highlights beyond the villa were
an evening trip to swim in nearby
Lake Bolsena, 44 sq miles of fresh-
water in the bowl of an extinct
volcano. And the hauntingly eerie
Civita di Bagnoregio, known as
the ‘Dying City’, a medieval hamlet
which looks about to crumble into
oblivion as the hilltop it’s perched
on is threatened by erosion.


VISIT to the Tenuta
Vitalonga Winery was a
joy, tasting 14-day-old
mosto — the first pressing
of grapes and stalks from the very
recent harvest. Indeed, it was no
surprise to learn that the great
Tuscan artist Luca Signorelli was
told by the Pope that when he
finished the frescoes in Orvieto
cathedral’s San Brizio Chapel, in
1504, he must be paid with as
much wine as he wanted.
Today’s architects may not
create such masterpieces, but the
infinity pool at villa Segreto Gel-
somino was something to behold.
A last morning’s swim as the sun
rose over the brow of the Umbrian
hills, with Monteverdi’s The Coro-
nation Of Poppea playing on the
poolside speakers, and you
couldn’t be further from the mad-
ding crowds of July and August.

TUSCANY Now & More (tuscany
nowandmore.com, 020 7684
8884) offers Segreto Gelsomino
from £2,837 for seven days for
six people (maximum ten) on a
self-catering basis, and features
a range of properties across the
region and Italy. It can also
provide private chefs, excursions
and other services on request.




NBeARABLe heat. Roads
blocked with nose-to-tail
cars — not to mention all
those Dutch caravanners.
Mosquitoes on biting raids
every night.
Sadly, these are intrinsic elements of too
many Mediterranean holidays in peak
season. So why not choose September or
early October instead? The weather is still
sunny. The pools and sea still warm. And
tourist sites are relatively deserted.
Our base for a late-September week in
Umbria was Segreto Gelsomino, a hill-top
villa six miles from Orvieto. This etruscan-
heritage city may not have the fame of
Siena, Florence or Perugia. Indeed, I had
always associated Orvieto with a tart white
wine I’d bought under-age from Sainsbury’s
when its own brand cider had run out.
But now, Orvieto wines are drooled over
by wine buffs who speak of how the vines
have ‘taken advantage of the soft tufa
[chalky limestone] rock and are perfect for
all occasions’.
After an hour’s drive from Rome, we
reached the city at 7pm and found free park-
ing next to the cathedral (about which Pope
Leo XIII suggested: ‘On Judgment Day, its
beauty will carry it right up to heaven’.)
In search of somewhere to eat before the

Checking in...

Griff Rhys Jones

Comedian, actor, presenter

Late break: The golden
Umbrian hills. Inset, Villa
Segreto Gelsomino

Fewer people, lower

prices — and that magical

scenery at its glorious best

Umbria in



CONSTANTINE in Algeria, a city out of a dream
world, teetering on a volcanic plug surrounded
by a deep moat. Dating back to Roman times, its
combination of topography and French colonial
and Arab influences make for an alluring mix.

STAYING in a fisherman’s cottage in Gorran Haven,
Cornwall. I used to run down to the beach by the
harbour wall with my siblings. The days were end-
less and the Cornish ice cream slightly yellow.

A SILK sleeping bag liner — so you sleep clean
wherever you are.

THE Mediterranean coastline, which is remote

and rocky, if you can get on a boat and avoid the
resorts. I love Corsica and the inlets of Menorca,
and the Amalfi coast is staggering when viewed
from the sea. Best of all was a trip to the Baltic —
there are 80,000 islands on the Finnish coastline.

MORE of Italy, and I must do Canada by train.
n Griff rhys Jones: All over The Place
tours from september 3, ents24.com

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