The Classic MotorCycle – September 2019

(vip2019) #1
Westlake, who rode
hisfirsttrialin1 972
on such amodel,
foundthe 197cc
Gree vesperfectly
to hisliking. This
200thTCM test.
Right:The 1962
ChrisCulle nin
action onhis

ScottishSixDaysTrial (S SST) Iwas areser ve and
wouldn’t be competingbut decided togo and watch and
follo wthe routeround theHighlandswith my Greevesin
the pick-up.But on arrivalatFortWilliam,
Iwas toldPeterStirlandhadn’t turned up so and Iwas
askedifIwould liketotakehis place. Ihadn’tprepared
the bikebut Greeves’competitionmanagerBill Brooker
sorted outapair of newDunlop tyres,and after abit of
last minute fettling, Iwas on my wayfor myfirstScottish.”
Thebikeran faultlesslyinthe eventwhichhad earned
theThundersley two- strokeits name,and at theend of
sixharddaysand 800miles Chriscameaway with the
best newcomeraward.
In 1957,aGreevesteamcomprising of Jack Simpson,
Peter Hammond andNorman Storer competed in the
sixdays, and whenSimpson, on his 197ccmodel, took
the 200ccaward, to commemoratehis achievementthe
newly launchedmachinefor thefollowing year carried
the name ofScottis honthe fueltank,underthatofBert
Greeves’ signature.
On thelaunchofitsfirstmotorcycle at the EarlsCourt
showin1953, themotorcyclingpublic were initial ly
reluctanttobuy thequirky-looking Essex-made two-
strokes, butafterthe si gning of BrianStonebridgein
1957and hisvictor yinthe 250ccEuropeanscrambles
championshipin 1958,there were plentyofpeople
wantingtobemounted on aGreeves .Although perhaps
better knownasascrambler,Stonebridgewas also a
top line trials riderand superbdevelopment engineer
and itwaslargelydowntohim –and thenDon Smith,


r s|s Scottish
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